How To Identify the Make and Model of My Pool Filter


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Determining the make and model of your pool filter is required information if you are looking for replacement parts or want to replace the whole filter. In this guide, we show you how to ID your filter's make a model in a few easy steps.

Related Article - How to Find a Replacement Pool Filter Valve 

Check out our full offering of pool filter parts.

Step by Step


Step 1

Read the filter’s information tag. All pool filters are labeled with an information tag on their tank. This tag includes the name of the manufacturer, model name, the various sizes of the filter in that line of models. The size of your specific unit should be marked or highlighted on this tag.

Model number formats vary according to the manufacturer, but they are usually labeled in a filter specs chart.

Step 2

If the label does not mark your specific unit's size, use the filter’s dimensions to narrow your choices. 

Your filter model’s size should be marked by the manufacturer, or the installer must do this during installation, but that is not always the case. To identify your filter's size, you can measure specific parts of the filter to determine its size.

For sand filters, measure the diameter of the tank. There are a couple of ways to measure the tank’s diameter: measure the circumference, then solve for the diameter, or you can use two sticks and a measuring tape.

To use the circumference method, wrap a measuring tape around the tank's widest part and write that length down. You can then use the formula for converting circumference to diameter (Diameter = Circumference divided by Pi), or you can search for a circumference-to-diameter calculator on your favorite search engine.

To use the stick and tape method, secure two yardsticks on the opposite sides of the tank's widest part, then measure the distance between them. You are essentially making goalposts and creating a crossbar with the measuring tape, which should give you an accurate diameter.

For a cartridge filter, take out the cartridge to measure the plastic endcap's diameter and the length (end cap to end cap, not including the spout/tap found on some cartridge models.

For DE filters, measure the length of the curved grids to identify their size. grids come in 5 different sizes 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 square feet; their respective lengths are 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 inches

For older models like the Jacuzzi Earthworks and Avalanche, which use non-curved grids, you will need to measure all grids, as the various model sizes used a combination of two or three grid sizes per model.

Step 3

Model tag is illegible; use internal part numbers to narrow the possibilities.

Unfortunately, model tags fade over time due to exposure to the sun and elements. If your tag is bleached out, you can use the part number of an internal part like a lateral, top manifold, or dirt-catcher to determine which family of filters yours belong to. This info will probably not identify the exact model you own because manufacturers tend to use one part on a few different models.

When you find a part number on one of these internal pieces, you can search it in Inyo’s part finder to bring up a match. If we carry the part, the product page will list the model(s) used. You can then view these parts diagrams to determine which most resembles your model.

Step 4

Still not sure which filter model you own? That’s easy; send pictures of your filter’s housing and label to; one of our technicians will review the pictures and try to match it for you.



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