How To Remove Dog Hair From A Pool


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Dogs have a blast swimming in pools. However, they leave behind a hairy mess on the surface of the pool. Besides being unsightly, that hair could clog up the pool pump impeller. In this guide, we discuss a labor-free way to remove all the dog hair from the pool.


Step by Step


Step 1

The first step will be to purchase skimmer socks. Nylon stockings can be used in a pinch.

Step 2

Remove the skimmer lid and pull out the skimmer basket.

Step 3

Wrap the edge of the skimmer sock around the rim of the basket. The material should be inside the basket.

If your basket has a handle, go ahead and remove it.

Step 4

Place the basket back in the skimmer and place the lid back on.

Step 5

Turn the pump on and let it run until the surface is free of dog hair.

Step 6

Once the surface is clean, remove the basket from the skimmer. The skimmer sock can either be thrown away or washed out and used again.


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 Posted: 11/24/2021 

These work incredibly! We also have a Chocolate Lab that loves to swim!!