How To Identify Which Polaris Pool Cleaner You Have


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If you have a Polaris swimming pool cleaner and need replacement parts for it, you’ll need to know which model you have. Polaris has quite a few swimming pool cleaners on the market which makes this difficult for some. This guide will help you figure out which model Polaris swimming pool cleaner you have.

Please click here to view our Polaris Cleaners and Products 

Step by Step


Step 1

Serial number- The serial number would be the quickest and most accurate way to determine the cleaner model. The serial number can be found on the back of the cleaner. The older cleaner models have the serial numbers stamped/molded onto them. The newer Polaris cleaner models have the serial number stamped on a sticker on the back of the cleaner. If the serial number starts with a “K” it will be a 380, if it starts with “C” it will be a 280, if it starts with a “L” it will be a 360.

Step 2

Swimming pool type- Polaris makes certain model pool cleaners for above ground pools and other models for in-ground pools. If you have an above ground pool, you will have a smaller selection of swimming pool cleaners to look through.

Step 3

Color- This would be the easiest way to narrow down the selection. Most of the older Polaris pool cleaners were blue and white. There are a few exceptions

Step 4

Some of the older models were also available in black (Black Max versions).

Step 5

The newer style Polaris cleaners are blue, grey and black.

Step 6

Bag type- The Polaris pool cleaners have different bag types. The Polaris 380/360 have squared clips that attach to the cleaner’s frame.

Please click here to view the Polaris 380 head parts. 

Step 7

Step 8

The Polaris 280, 480 and 3900 use “teardrop” shaped clips to secure the bag to it’s cleaners.

Please click here to view the Polaris 280 parts. 

Please click here to view the Polaris 480 parts.

Please click here to view the Polaris 3900 parts.  

Step 9

The number of jets- If you remove the bag from the cleaner and look down the “throat” of the cleaner, you will see jets close to the bottom. The number of jets will help you determine what series of Polaris pool cleaner it is. If you have only 1 jet, the model would be a Polaris 180. Two jets would indicate a Polaris 280. Three jets would be the Polaris 380, 360 or 3900 model.

Please click here to view the Polaris 360 parts. 

Step 10

Booster Pump- Most Polaris pool cleaners need a booster pump to run. The above-ground models (Polaris 60/65/Turbo Turtle) and the In-ground Polaris 360 do not need a booster pump. The hoses on the non- booster pump (suction) cleaners are about 1 ¼” diameter and corrugated. The booster pump model cleaners have a smaller diameter, smooth hose.

Please click here to view the Polaris 60/65 parts. 

Step 11

A picture is worth a thousand words- Finding a picture of the pool cleaner isn’t too difficult and will help in determining the right Polaris model. Below are a few pictures of different Polaris models.

Step 12

Polaris 60/65

Step 13

Polaris Turbo Turtle

Step 16

Polaris 180

Step 17

Polaris 280/Polaris 280 Black Max

Step 18

Polaris 360/Polaris 360 Black Max

Step 19

Polaris 380/Polaris 380 Black Max

Step 20

Polaris 3900


(1 to 40 of 41)

 Posted: 3/20/2022 

I have a unit that starts with "K", which you suggest is a 380. However, it only has 2 venturi jets (not 3) and the filter bag connector collar has the oval tabs which suggests a 280. The 380 collar is also a smaller diameter. So it would seem that not all models are so simply identified by that first letter.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 3/21/2022 

If you have the serial number, you can contact the manufacturer to have them identify your unit using it.This guide is a few years old; Polaris may have changed its serial number formats since it was published. But contact Polaris to let us know if your unit has different identifiers now.

 Posted: 8/15/2021 

Thank you. This was the most informative tool I have found to identify my Polaris cleaner. All my labels have faded away and was only left with the jets and the clips used to hold the bags on to help me identify.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/17/2021 

Awesome! You're welcome, and thanks for reading.

Anonymous  Posted: 5/16/2020 

Thank you, very helpful.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 11/10/2020 

You're welcome. Thank you for reading.

Anonymous  Posted: 9/26/2019 

Great advice, thank you.

 Posted: 6/1/2019 

I currently have a Polaris 180. What newer models are compatible with that booster pump?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/6/2019 

Besides the 180, the 280, 380 and 480 were compatible with the Polaris Booster Pump

 Posted: 9/10/2018 

Hello Lola - The Polaris 9650iQ does not require a booster pump.

 Posted: 9/7/2018 

Does the 9650iQ require a booster pump?

 Posted: 8/21/2018 

The 9650IQ and 965IG can be connect to Wi-Fi and be controlled on Android and iOS devices. The only difference between those two models is the color. The 9550 does not connect to Wi-Fi and cannot be controlled by an Android or iOS device. The 9550 is controlled by a motion-sensing handheld remote.

 Posted: 8/21/2018 

What is the difference between the Polaris models 9550 Sport, 9650iq Sport, and the 965iq Sport?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/28/2017 

Adam from NJ - We have several guides on replacing Dolphin brushes and tracks, but can’t help much without knowing your Dolphin model. Try typing "How to replace 'YOUR MODEL' track" and see if anything comes up.

 Posted: 8/24/2017 

Hello Friends ! I have an older Dolphin Pool Cleaner that is a work horse . We call it " Mr. Krabs " The other day a roller popped off and was in the deep end (of course) I need to get "Krabbsie" working again ASAP. Need some advice on replacing the roller and then the tracks. I would be forever grateful for any help anyone can offer. The guide on this site was for a newer model and I'm not sure if the roller/track/outer case would have the same protocol. Thank You in advance for being our hero !!!!!!

Anonymous  Posted: 8/19/2017 

Thanks, helped me a lot!

 Posted: 8/16/2017 

Thank you SO MUCH for this guide!!!!!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/29/2017 

Werthit - Your number, 278696, does not match anything in our system. Please give us a call at 877-372-6038 and talk to one of our service reps. They will ask you to send in a picture of your cleaner.

 Posted: 6/27/2017 

HI have a polaris pool sweet and it doesn't have a sticker on the bottom but it has numbers stamped or engraved in it the numbers are 278696 by chance do you know which model it ia and do you know where I can get a replacement bag and how much

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/29/2016 

Peter - The date of manufacture is usually coded into the unique serial number of any item. Call Polaris/Zodiac at (800) 822-7933, give them the cleaner's serial number, and they should be able to tell you the age of your unit.

 Posted: 8/28/2016 

Is there a way to tell the age of a polaris pool cleaner?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/19/2016 

Tommy - A serial number is a unique number assigned to each unit manufactured by Polaris. You will have to talk to Polaris at (800) 822-7933 for information on this number.

 Posted: 7/17/2016 

I think I have a 280 Polaris the serial #117801 is this correct?

 Posted: 4/30/2016 

Thank you for doing all this work to make our lives a little easier!

 Posted: 10/18/2015 

Yes ditto everyone else. Thank you for this great resource!

Anonymous  Posted: 10/1/2015 

Tnanks, Yiu did a great job of making the identification foolproof !

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/27/2015 

F3 - The Polaris Model F3 is the same as the Polaris 380.

Anonymous  Posted: 7/25/2015 

Model F3 polaris not identified in example

 Posted: 5/30/2015 

Great Web page. Very useful. Very clear.

Anonymous  Posted: 4/8/2015 

Excellent site to identify cleaners! Thank you!

Anonymous  Posted: 4/7/2015 

This site made it so easy to identify my model.

 Posted: 11/28/2014 

awesome job.. thanks so much.

Anonymous  Posted: 9/3/2014 

Thanks so much. Now I can order parts online instead of going to a dealer.

Anonymous  Posted: 7/13/2014 

Thanks so much for helping identify my 280, this made it really easy.

Anonymous  Posted: 7/2/2014 

Thanks for taking the guess work out of it!

Anonymous  Posted: 6/20/2014 

I agree with the previous commenters. There was no model number on my Polaris and the stamped-on serial number did not start with a letter. Yet, thanks to the clear instructions, I was able to discern that mine was a model 280. Fantastic site. Thanks many times over.

Wallace, Virginia Beach VA


Anonymous  Posted: 6/18/2014 

Very helpful. Clear and easy to follow.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/15/2014 

Wonderful! Very clear. It makes it almost impossible to mistake which model you have.

 Posted: 5/30/2014 

This was VERY helpful!

Anonymous  Posted: 5/25/2014 

Very useful. Thank you very much.