A swimming pool actuator is an automated valve that is either connected to a swimming pool automation system or a solar heater system. These occasionally stop working and need to be replaced. There are different versions of actuators from all of the major swimming pool parts manufactures including Jandy, Pentair, Hayward, and Intermatic and all of these are universally compatible with each other.
InyoPools Product Specialist Dennis R. Posted: 6/10/2016
ON1/ON2 switch - After installation of the actuator(s), they may need to be synchronized. Out of synchronization refers to the condition where one actuator is rotating incorrectly in relation to another actuator. To correct this, simply flip the toggle switch at the bottom of the actuator which is out of synchronization between the ON1 and ON2 position.Reply
Anonymous Posted: 6/9/2016
what is the difference in the on position 1 and On position 2 in the last photo.Reply
Anonymous Posted: 1/9/2015
very helpful!Reply