Part # 42-106-1050
Manufacturer Code 556625
61 and 65 shows very loose connection / why did this happen?/ how to fix?
66 and 67 shows where tube connects to filter system/ is white area normal?/a buidup of something?/should I be able to eliminate it and put tube through?
Iin regards to the pictures Ozone is quite corrosive and the nut probably disintegrated over time. the other two pictures show build up and that would show at some time the system is pushing water into that line probably when not running. A leak in the filter container could cause this. Air being allowed to come into the filter when it is not running would cause the weight of the water to push back and to the tube. Below is the link to the Installation guide for this unit from the manufacturer. http://www.aamfg.com/manuals/installation/QuikPure3_Install_Instructions.pdf