

By Pureline




Alternate Part #'s PL1062, AEQGOKIT32V

Product Description

Tune up kit for the Pentair Whisperflo pump when used with a salt chlorine generator.  The heavy duty parts in this kit are designed to withstand exposure to salt.

We highly recommend replacing the shaft seal, o-rings and gaskets when replacing your motor.  If you use your old shaft seal, it will not mate up properly with the new motor and may leak.  Our tune up kits include the shaft seal and all o-rings, gaskets and lubricant for your pump.

This Tune Up Kit Works on These Pumps:

  • All Pentair, Pac-Fab & Purex Whisperflo pumps 1/2 HP - 3 HP single and dual speed models
  • All WF, WFE & WFDS Series pumps

Tune Up Kit Includes:

  • Motor Shaft Seal For Saltwater Pools
  • Impeller O-Ring
  • Seal Plate O-Ring
  • Diffuser O-Ring
  • Lubricant

For More Pool Pump Motors


?     Asked on 2/16/2012by Guest

I just finished replacing the shaft seal on my booster pump. As soon as I turned the pump on water was leaking from the shaft seal. Is it defective or am I doing something wrong?

A  Answered on 2/16/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Depending on the model, the installation of a booster pump shaft seal can be slightly different than a pool pump shaft seal. Some booster pump and pool pump shaft seals require that a silicone sealant be used on the outer areas of the metal seat of the shaft seal. The seal will need to be lightly hammered into the body of the pump. You can use a 1 inch PVC coupling or a piece of 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe and a rubber mallet. This procedure will apply to any pool pump or booster pump using a >PS-1000 style shaft seal.

?     Asked on 10/15/2014by Guest

My pump is not priming even after cleaning impeller. Will purchasing this kit aid in fixing that problem?

A  Answered on 10/15/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The seal kit can help with loss of prime. I can't guarantee that it will solve your problem. The loss of prime could be from an air leak at the valves or plumbing in front of the pump.

?     Asked on 2/2/2015by ED

We have recently changed all of our pools and spas over to salt generators. Is it necessary or advisable to change seals and "o" rings? We seem to have started having pump problems.

A  Answered on 2/3/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Robert M.

Hello Ed - We would recommend a salt seal kit for salt chlorinated pools. The seals are more durable and will better protect the pump.

?     Asked on 8/16/2015by Inyo Visitor

I have a Pentair Whisperflo model WF-26, part #011773. 1.5 HP. The motor is part #177475. The pool has a salt water chlorine generator. Does this package work for my model pump? Can you tell me who makes the seal in your kit? Also I believe based on the noise from the pump, that my motor bearings may be going bad. Do you also sell bearings for this pump motor? If so, which ones are compatible? Thanks!

A  Answered on 8/18/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, The Pentair/Purex Whisperflo Saltwater Tune Up Kit is manufactured by Aladdin Equipment Co. and will work for your Pentair Whisperflo model WF-26 pump. You will need 2 203 Bearind (62032RS) based on the motor p/n you provided.

?     Asked on 7/30/2016by JAMES DETAMORE


A  Answered on 8/3/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi James, The APCK1027 kit will work if you have a saltwater pool the but saltwater shaft seal will provide additional protection.


Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Rubber t mallet and 1” pvc coupler.

Replaced motor on my Pentair WhisperFlo pump

Written on 8/2/2023 by Guest

Straight forward process. Just follow Inyo YouTube video. Keep in mind that the parts included in the kit will accommodate several different pumps so the will more than likely be spare parts. Lubricate freely to insure no leaks. Mine went together with no problems

The actual installation of the seal kit required no tools except for a rubber mallet to put in the bushings

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Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Pliers, Socket Set, Wrench Set, Adjustable Wrench

1     0

Pump motor failed due to leaking seals

Written on 7/25/2022 by Guest

My waterfall pump stopped working which I diagnosed as the motor attached to my Whisperflo WF-26 failing which I diagnosed to be the motor dying after the old seals allowed water to leak into it. To resolve, I purchased this Tune up kit which made the replacement of the motor and overhaul of the pump simple.

I removed the old motor, used the high quality salt shaft seals from this kit, and reattached everything using new gaskets and included lube. Put everything back together, sealed up tightly and the pump worked great on the first try with no leaks.

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Est. Repair Time

2 to 4 hrs

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers, Socket Set, Wrench Set

original pentair motor was making lots of noise and leaking water at the gaskets.

Written on 2/7/2022 by Guest

once the motor and impeller were removed it was easy to replace the gaskets. remember to clean all surfaces before using the new gaskets and the silicone that was included helps keep them in place and get a better seal.

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Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Pliers, Socket Set, Wrench Set, Adjustable Wrench

Century Motor died after 17 yrs. of continuous service

Written on 9/21/2021 by Guest

Replaced the motor and used the seals and gaskets in the "Saltwater" Go Kit to make the repair. Everything I needed great & knowledgeable service personnel, fast delivery and good prices.

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Est. Repair Time

2 to 4 hrs

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers, Socket Set, Adjustable Wrench

Needed to repair my pool pump.

Written on 8/10/2020 by Guest

1. Disassembled old pump.
2. Installed pump seal and gaskets.
3. Reconnected motor and successfully tested.

Motor is now a spare in case the new pump fails. UTube videos were very helpful.

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Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Nut Drivers, Socket Set

1     0

My old filter pump motor went out and needed to be replaced.

Written on 9/17/2019 by Guest

I searched for a replacement motor and few sites gave the replacement model numbers for the replacement motors they carried. INYO pools provided the exact model number matching the A O Smith motor they inventoried.

I simply placed the order and had it at my doorstep in a couple days. I am impressed with the prompt service. Having your filter pump out in the peak of summer in Southern Louisiana can wreck havoc on a saltwater pool. However, INYO Pools was prompt and I was able to quickly replace the motor with the necessary replacement O-ring kit.

A note on replacing the pump shaft seals; to remove the old seal, I used a 3/4" PVC collar to tap out the seal and a 1" PVC collar to seat the seal. It worked perfectly.

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Est. Repair Time

4 to 8 hrs

Tools Needed


1     4

Pump repair

Written on 10/16/2018 by Guest

Salt gasket set overkill and way too expensive. Only need main gaskets and can get for half the price.

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