

By Pureline



Part # GOKIT79

Alternate Part #'s PL1079, AEQGOKIT79V, APCK1185, INYGOKIT79V

Product Description

Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro Pump Seal Kit

INYOpools highly recommends replacing the shaft seal, o-rings and gaskets when replacing your motor, if you use your old shaft seal it will not mate up properly with the new pump and may leak. The best value is to go with one of INYO's tune up kits which include the shaft seal and all O-rings, gaskets and lubricant for your pump.

This Tune Up Kit Works on These Pumps:

  • All Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro models prior to February 2015.

Tune Up Kit Includes:

  • Motor Shaft Seal
  • Clamp O-Ring
  • Diffuser O-Ring
  • Lid O-Ring
  • Lubricant

**Note: All Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro models February 2015-Current will have to purchase the Seal Plate Gasket - 357099Z.**

For More Pool Pump Motors


?     Asked on 10/15/2014by Guest

My pump is not priming even after cleaning impeller. Will purchasing this kit aid in fixing that problem?

A  Answered on 10/15/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The seal kit can help with loss of prime. I can't guarantee that it will solve your problem. The loss of prime could be from an air leak at the valves or plumbing in front of the pump.

?     Asked on 10/11/2016by jim

Is this the correct kit for the SQ1102 motor ??

A  Answered on 10/11/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Alan M.

This is the correct seal kit for the Max-E-Pro pump, but the motor information does not identify which seal kit you would need. You will need to identify the pump you have in order to verify the correct seal kit.

?     Asked on 2/6/2018by Chris

Is this the correct kit for A.O. Smith USQ1102?

A  Answered on 2/6/2018 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Chris. This kit is for the Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro Pump. We're unable to use the motor number to identify or confirm which kit it needed. 

?     Asked on 4/10/2018by Jason

Does this kit include the OEM shaft seal or the US Seal US-201V-CMS seal?

A  Answered on 4/10/2018 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Jason. It does not include the OEM Pump Shaft Seal or US-201V-CMS. It includes PS-201. 

?     Asked on 5/29/2018by Inyo Visitor

Which is the right seal kit / tune up kit for motor # USQ1252?

A  Answered on 5/29/2018 by InyoPools Product Specialist Hector F.

So in order to locate the correct seal kit we would need to know the model name or number of the front pump housing that the motor is bolted to. If you cannot locate that you can always send us pictures of that housing to upload@inyopools.com so we can identify that for you.  


Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers, Pliers, Socket Set

Original motor died and needed replacment

Written on 10/14/2024 by Guest

1) remove old motor, from pump.
2) Thoroughly clean all surfaces ensuring no debris is present in the groves for the O-rings or shaft seals.
3) replace all O-rings and shaft seals utilizing the included parts and grease.
3) put everything back together making sure everthing is tight- check for leaks.

Were these instructions helpful? 


Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Socket Set, Wrench Set, Adjustable Wrench, Flexible Pipe Wrench

1     0

I had an an ancient Sea-Rite pump that's motor seized

Written on 8/14/2021 by Guest

I watched the helpful Inyo videos first and had a pretty easy swap of the new motor.

First I made sure to disconnect power at the circuit breaker, I began by closing the valve to my existing pump to limit the amount of water that would flow out. I also switched my filter to drain which seemed to relieve some of the pressure and water in the lines. I removed the original pumps electrical connections, retaining the elbow that connected it to the old motor. Once that was free I loosened the ring that mounts the motor to the pump. I pulled the old motor free and moved everything to a clean table to work on swapping the internals. I followed the steps in the guide and was able to get all the way to the point of removing the impeller from the shaft and could not get it to break free. One important point to note is that the blades of my impeller were incredibly sharp. I tried to loosen it by hand first which resulted in slices across every one of my fingers. Pause for first aid. Resumed with a flexible pipe wrench and make sure to loosen counter clockwise. Everything from that point on was super easy. One big thing to note with this motor is that it is 220v ONLY! there is no way to adjust for 110 as with my old pump. This was a bit of a setback as I had to call an electrician to run a 220 line. At the end of the day though, its amazing! Purrs like a kitten and has been doing a great job keeping my pool sparkling clean. I'm debating getting the wifi add on, but likely will for convenience.

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed


1     0

Motor died

Written on 8/4/2021 by Guest

We bought the motor and have never changed one in the past but was able to follow the video on the website and was changed within 30 minutes. Great company to do business with.

Were these instructions helpful? 


Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Nut Drivers, Socket Set

2     0

Seals were cracking and leaking

Written on 5/24/2021 by Guest

1. Shut off power to the pump at the circuit breaker panel
2. Ensure the power is off using an AC circuit tester
3. Loosen the PVC unions that connect the pump to the rest of the plumbing. Keep track of the O-rings in the unions.
4. Remove the band clamp holding the pump halves together
5. Loosen the 2 stainless bolts holding the pump motor to the base
6. Move and angle the pump head away from the existing plumbing
7. Separate the pump head where band clamp came loose
8. To separate the halves, pull the strainer basket side of the pump head away from the motor. It comes straight off, but some twisting/wiggling may be required. Persistence is required but don't be rough with it. The resistance you feel is a large rubber O-ring sliding. If tempted to pry, use two plastic tools 180 degrees apart.
9. Remove the diffuser plate stainless screws and the plate.
10. Install a new seal
11. Remove the impeller bolt - REVERSE THREAD
12. Unscrew the impeller - normal thread
13. Remove the shaft seal
14. Remove the 4 bolts holding the motor to the rear pump plate and remove the plate
15. Tap the existing seal out of the pump plate using a suitable socket
16. Lubricate the outside of the new seal and push into place
17, Reassemble the pump plate to the motor
18. Install the rest of the shaft seal (carbon to carbon)
19. Install the pump impeller and smallest O-ring (optional on some models)
20. Tighten the center bolt, but not overtight
21. Install the diffuser plate and a new lubed O-ring
22. Lubricate the large O-ring with silicone lube and slide the pump halves back together
23. Tighten the band clamp using the old large O-ring or a new one if you have a seal kit. The large O-ring likes to move around sometimes.
24. Reorient the pump head back in line with your existing plumbing and tighten the union rings by hand. Make sure that the O-rings for the unions are still in place.
25. Reinstall the two large stainless bolts that hold the pump to the base
26. Add water to the strainer basket to prime the pump
27. Test your work

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers, Socket Set

1     0

Seal wore out and water leaked into my front motor bearing seizing it up and ruining my motor

Written on 10/6/2017 by Guest

Installation of the new seals were a snap. The online instructions gave a lot of confidence. There were many O-rings in the kit that I didn't need so the purchase of only a pump seal would have worked on my Sta-Rite rebuild.
But the cost was negligible between the full kit and just the main seal.

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