Part # SP0410X502S
Hayward DE Filters. Replaces Hayward# SP0410X502S
Two-Position Slide Valve Functions
This valve is used with the Hayward Micro-Clear, Pro-Grid, and DEP 500 D.E. filters.
I already have a slide valve which is brand i just need the fixture since I screwed up and it is leaking. Do you sell just the fixture? (The "frame" which the slide valve fits into).
Hi there - if you are needing the body of the valve which the slide valve piston assembly goes into then unfortunately this is not sold as an individual part. The least expensive option would be to purchase the complete valve assembly. Here is a listing of the individual Parts available for the Hayward Slide Valve
What type of solvent is used to join slide valve to pvc pipe?
Hi. We do not sell the solvent that you will need. You can use a CPVC solvent cement on PVC piping. However, we recommend that the correct Weld-On primer and PVC solvent cement for the particular application should be used
Difference between Hayward flush valves sp0410x502s and the sp0410x602?
Hi, Peter. The SP0410X502S valve is used with Hayward DE Filters and the SP0410X502S valve is used with Hayward Sand filters.
can I adat to copper pipe
Hi. You will have to first need to connect a PVC/Copper adapter to the valve then the copper pipe to the adapter.
The Most Helpful Review
1 0
(5 out of 5 stars) Simple to install and operate
Reviewed By: Axim1 from Hollister,CA. ()
Pros: Simple and easy to operate
Cons: none
Installation was streight forward and operation is simple and clean.
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The Most Recent Reviews
(5 out of 5 stars) Best Valve for DE Filter
Reviewed By: Pool Dad from Saylorsburg, PA ()
Cons: T-handle seems a bit flimsey/ will have to see how it holds up to use.
Purchased the valve along with my Pro-Grid Hayward Filter. Simple to opperate straight-forward design. This is all one needs for maintaining a DE pool filter.
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