Part # SVH24
Super Vision SV25TH Replacement Bulb
Hi i'm looking for a replacement fiberoptic bulb # SPN4474A?
We have fibr optics strip/tube lightening around perimeter- changing colors.
Any comparable bulbs available?
Hi Karen, I was not able to cross reference p/n SPN4474A to a specific bulb, however, if you can provide the model number of the unit I can use that too located the correct bulb.
The Most Recent Reviews
(5 out of 5 stars) The right light bulb for fiber optic lighting
Reviewed By: Brenda H. from Caseyville il ()
Thank you for your quick delivery of the fiber optic lighting bulb I needed this bulb was hard to find and you had it in stock. Got it and it fixed the problem Thank you, Brenda
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