

By Taylor Industries



Part # K2005

Alternate Part #'s TAYK-2005-6, TAYK20056, TTK2005

Product Description

K-2005 Complete Pool Water Testing Kit With DPD

This comprehensive professional swimming pool test kit is a favorite of DIY'ers. A complete high range test kit with liquid reagents to test for free and total chlorine (0.5-5 ppm), bromine (1-10 ppm), pH (7.0-8.0), acid and base demand, total alkalinity, calcium hardness and cyanuric acid. This test kit comes in a handled carrying case and contains a large color comparator and a Watergram for balancing water, as well as a 64-page guide with treatment tables.

Recommended accessory:  The Taylor SpeedStir makes testing fun and easy! 

Product Specifications


?     Asked on 10/18/2012by Guest

I used a liquid test kit to test the chlorine in my pool water and ended up with a red instead of a shade of yellow. What would cause this?

A  Answered on 10/18/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

When using any test kit (liquid or strips) the test results should be within the color range on the chart. If they are not, you have "interference" Usually interference can be caused by the presence of metals in the water or high chlorine reading. Also make certain that the pool water is being circulated when you take your sample.

?     Asked on 10/20/2014by Guest

,I have a problem witch checking chemicals in one of my pool, when I check total alkalinity my water change the color to blue and after I add some drops it change from blue to yellow. I'm using Taylor kit

A  Answered on 10/20/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Brian M.

The age of the reagents may play a factor. If the chlorine level is really high, then the color may flash from blue to yellow instead of green to red. You can try adding a small amount of chlorine neutralizer to the sample to see if that helps

?     Asked on 6/14/2016by Rick

What size bottles are the reagents in this kit?

A  Answered on 6/14/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Hi Rick, The reagents in this kit are .75 oz.

?     Asked on 2/15/2017by Ben

I'm in need of a kit for testing my saltwater hot tub. Does this kit have everything I need to test the levels?

A  Answered on 2/15/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Scott W.

That will test the main chemicals, but will not test the salt level. Part number NP221 will test your salt level though.

?     Asked on 2/20/2017by Harr y Carlson

For how long will the chemicals in test kits provide accurate results? Years / months? Test strips?

A  Answered on 2/20/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Alan M.

The reagents in liquid test kits should be replaced every year. The test strips remain accurate for one year as long as they are kept dry and stored in a cool location out of the sun.We recommend testing be done inside so the sunlight does not distort the colors.


Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed


Unsure of the test dip sticks

Written on 10/26/2023 by Guest

Ordered this kit to get a more accurate reading of the pool chemistry. Easy to use!

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

my fingers on the test kit

3     0

Newly plastered pool

Written on 7/9/2019 by Guest

Replastered and filled. Water checked daily as pH CHANGED DRAMATICALLY. Test kit was easily used and worked well. Glad I purchased it.

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