By Jacks Magic




Alternate Part #'s JMPURIFIBER22EACH

Product Description

Purifiber® is a completely safe to handle, high performance product that offers superior water clarity and longer filtering cycles while using less material than any other filter media on the market today, saving you time and money - an outstanding value for your pool. Dosage: DE Filters: 1 DE scoop of fiber per 12 square feet of filter area Cartridge Filters: 3 ounces (by weight) per 25 square feet of filter area. Sand Filters: add 3 ounces (by weight) at a time, with a maximum addition of 9 ounces (by weight). 

Product Specifications

1.4 lbs.

?     Asked on 11/27/2012by Guest

Can I the PureFiber with the sand in my sand filter?

A  Answered on 11/27/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Yes, PureFiber will help increase the filter efficiency in all kinds of swimming pool filters.