

By Pentair Pool Products



Part # 4652-04A

Manufacturer Code 59016200

Alternate Part #'s 59016200, 14-110-3231, 59016200Z, AMP-051-1408, PEN59016200

Product Description



?     Asked on 5/10/2016by Inyo Visitor

What is the complete description and purpose of the air bleeder sock on a pentair clean and clear filter?

A  Answered on 5/12/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, This part is described as an Air Bleed Sock Kit, it acts as a vent to help remove air from the filter and pool lines.

?     Asked on 8/21/2019by Jeff

We have the pentair cartridge filter 150 SF. It is working fine and just replaced the filter. What is the purpose of the socket bleed filter? It was not included when first installed, do I need this for our spa? Sincerely, jeff

A  Answered on 9/20/2019 by Industry Professional

It is where is removed from your system the sock helps prevent debris from getting into your pressure gauge to keep your pressure readings correct.

A  Answered on 9/20/2019 by Industry Professional

The bleed line runs to the top of the unit there is a valve at the end of it. The bleeder valve has o-rings to stop the filter from leaking there when closed. There is sand and other things in your filter and when you open the bleed valve the water runs out as well as the air. If you have the bleed sock in place then the sand and other things are filtered out and the life of your bleed valve is greatly extended.


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