

By Custom Molded Products



Part # 3263-44

Manufacturer Code 9-100-3008

Dimensions 4.9" L x 2.45" W x 2" D

Alternate Part #'s 25563-150-360, 91003008, POL2017305, 87-100-1730, PLS91003008, PV91003008, ZOD9-100-3008

Product Description

Universal Wall Fitting Connector Assembly by CMP for Polaris Cleaners (9-100-3008)


?     Asked on 5/10/2015by Alice

If I get the connector assembly do I need to still purchase the wall assembly fitting? Also, is there an o-ring that come with or has to be purchased with this?

A  Answered on 5/11/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Alice, This UWF Assembly comes with everything you'll need. The wall fitting and the o-ring.


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