By Pentair Pool Products
Part # 4600-1142
Manufacturer Code 261142
Hi-Flow Multiport Valve 2" Slip (D.E.) - 261142
I need parts for my filter valve. When I look at the filter parts breakdown, it gives me different choices. How do I know which one is the one I need?
In order to locate the correct parts we will need to know the model number of the filter valve. Two identical filters can have two different valves. Typically the valve model will be located on the label of the valve. If there is no model number on the valve, you can try to see if there are any part numbers on the valve itself. Once you've located you valve model you can check out our >Filter Valve Parts.
what does the (slip only) par of the description mean on the Valve Multiport Hi-flow Kit Wg for 261142.
Jim, That means that the ports are not threaded. PVC pipe would be glued directly into the valve.
It is called a 2" but the valve that is on the side of my DE filter seems to ave a few different sizes of pipe going in and out ??
Hi, Jim. The actual plumbing could be different; however, at the valve, you will need a 2" pvc connection or adapter.
My filter and pump are piped with 2" PVC. I plan on reworking and replacing the valve and pump housing soon.Do I need a special type of 2"PVC pipe and glue or is the PVC from HomeDepot/Lowes sufficient ?
Hi, Jim. No special glue or pvc is required which can be purchased at your local hardware store.