By Jacuzzi Inc.
Model # 5064-100
Manufacturer Code 9402-6105
Your Source for Swimming Pool & Spa Parts - INYOpools.com
Would like to know how long it would take to get this product to Ohio with an area code of 45640
Hi Dean, This 1/2 HP Full Rate Magnum pump would be a special order and would take about 4 weeks for delivery. We do have the 3/4 HP Up Rated version of this Magnum pump which is pretty much identical to the 1/2 HP full rate pump and that pump is about half the price, in stock and we could have it to you in about 5-7 business days. I will run the numbers to show why the 1/2 HP Full Rate is equivalent to the 3/4 HP uprate. 1/2 HP x Service Factor of 1.6 = True HP (THP) of .80 THP where a 3/4 HP x Service Factor of 1.0 = True HP of .75 THP. I hope this helps.