Part # 3294-104
Manufacturer Code NC1006
Dimensions 5.5" L x 4.75" W x 3.25" D
Your Source for Swimming Pool & Spa Parts - INYOpools.com
Our Nitro cycles through the intake of water, burping and expulsion of water but the drive wheels don't turn. The wheels have no resistance to them either being turned forward or backward. Is this a Drive Motor failure or something else?
Tim, Yes, it sounds like the drive motor is bad, however you can can call SmartPool Customer Service at 732-730-9880 to verify that's the issue.
my nitro wall scrubber the power light is on but doesn't seem to get power to the scrubber is it possible the transformer is bad when first turn on it seems to work for 1 second or so
Barbara, Not sure whats going on, the cord could have a short, or the motor is bad. You can call SmartPool at 732.730.9880 for Tech Support.