By Pentair Pool Products
Part # 3527-13
Dimensions 6-5/8" X 3/8"
Your Source for Swimming Pool & Spa Parts - INYOpools.com
I just purchased two of the Aqualimn III (120V/250 Watt) lights from your website. I was wondering if these lights can be used with a dimmer relay. I have an Aqua Plus pool panel and it has the ability to utilize a dimmer kit to accommodate dimming the lights. See page 24 of the following link "Lights Relay". https://www.hayward-pool.com/pdf/manuals/Manual236.pdf
I understand that some lights (such as fluorescents) should not be controlled by a dimmer so I am wondering if there are any dimmi
We spoke with the manufacture of the light and they stated that they do not recommend using the dimmer relay on the AquaLumin III light as a dimmer will shorten the life of any bulb. They also stated the halogen bulbs are more fragile then incandescent bulbs and that the life would be shortened even quicker on the halogen. With all of this being said they stated you could use the dimmer relay, but we wanted you to be aware of these potential issues. The dimmer relay for the aqua plus can be purchased here http://www.inyopools.com/Products/02200004034490.htm
I just received my Aqualumin III lights and it appears that the mounting brackets do not come with the lights. It does not appear that the light comes with everything for new installation in a vinyl pool with steel walls. Any insight you can provide is appreciated.
If you are replacing an Aqualumin light then you would require this Aqualumin retrofit kit http://www.inyopools.com/Products/07501352024766.htm If this is new construction or a new light installation then you would require either of the items here http://www.inyopools.com/SearchResults.aspx?KeyWords=78887 The 1" and 3/4" on these items is referring to the conduit size which the light cord goes through.