

By Dream Maker Spas



Part # 400782

Alternate Part #'s 59-138-1068

Product Description

DreamMaker Spa Electronic Components


?     Asked on 3/2/2017by Scott Nelson

Is this assembly the balboa set that includes part number 30298 and 30299

A  Answered on 3/2/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Scott. This assembly is a Temperature and Hi Limit Sensor kit for the MSPA/TSPA controller. The p/n's 30298 and 30299 are both Hi-Limit sensors. It does not include p/n's 30298 and 30299.

?     Asked on 7/30/2018by Inyo Visitor

do these sensors just sit against the intake and out pvc pipes or do they mount into some type of screw-in port on the pipes? I can't see up into my access opening due to the space being crammed with all the plumbing. I just can't see emptying the whole spa and turning it on it's side to remove plumbing and motor just to install the new sensors.

A  Answered on 8/2/2018 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi. These sensors are installed in a Sensor Mount - 52560 or something similar which is connected to the plumbing. 


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