By Maytronics
Part # 3295-458
Manufacturer Code 6101640-R2
Brush, Combined Magenta - 6101640-R2 (2-Pack)
*Note - Required - Foam Rings - 6101611-R4
I need a part for my Dolphin pool cleaner but I don't see it on the parts breakdown. Is there still a chance you may still have it?
The manufacturer which is Maytronics, does not offer all parts for sale. If you don't see a part on the breakdown you can give us a call. For parts that they do not consider "DIY (do it yourself), you will need to contact them and send in the cleaner for repair.
What about the rings that go with the Brush what part number is that?Brush part is 6106140-R2
Hi, Mike. The part # for the Climbing Rings is 6101611-R4.
I have a Dolphin Deluxe 4. Is the the correct brush for this Dolphin? Can the existing rings be reused when bruch is replaced?
Yes this is the correct brush for the Dolphin Deluxe 4 and yes you can use your existing rings.