By Lubell Labs Inc.
Model # LL916C
The LL916C is an economical yet powerful piezoelectric underwater speaker developed, patented, and manufactured by Lubell Labs of Columbus Ohio. The LL916C continues to set the world record for having the widest frequency response and output level of any commercial underwater speaker made, at a price that is reasonable and affordable. Because of its rugged PVC construction and cage mounting system, the LL916C is nearly immune to damage, and may be used in test tanks, swimming pools, rivers, lakes, and oceans. The LL916C is provided with choiceof audio isolation transformer box with cord (see below), allowing phone jack connection to popular commercial sound amplifiers of various power & impedance ratings.
Do you carry the transformer to go with this speaker?
We do carry several transformer boxes that will work with the LL916C Lubell Portable 180dB 20V Professional U/W Speaker . Here are links to the transformer boxes: AC102 (50 watt 32 ohm 40 Vrms); AC202(50 watt 8 ohm 20 Vrms) ; AC203E (80 watts 8 ohms 25 Vrms; w/8 ohm air output & attenuator) ; AC205C ( 38 watt 16 ohm 25 Vrms ); AC211 ( 200 watts 10.7 ohm 40 Vrms; w/8 ohm air output & attenuator).
Does the LL916C work as a single unit or does it require another item to be able to connect it to a music device?
The LL916C Lubell Portable 180dB 20V Professional U/W Speaker must be used with a transformer box per the instruction manual. It is an integral part of the electrical circuit.
What is the difference between the LL916C (cage) and LL916H (harness) speakers?
These are both the Lubell Portable 180dB 20V Professional U/W Speaker but the LL916C has a protective cage around it while the LL916H has a suspension harness and no cage.
Hi, i just want to ask if i buy this speaker i still need to buy which product to make it thing work??
Hello Vinn - The speaker would require a transformer. Here are links to the transformer boxes: AC102 (50 watt 32 ohm 40 Vrms); AC202(50 watt 8 ohm 20 Vrms) ; AC203E (80 watts 8 ohms 25 Vrms; w/8 ohm air output & attenuator) ; AC205C ( 38 watt 16 ohm 25 Vrms ); AC211 ( 200 watts 10.7 ohm 40 Vrms; w/8 ohm air output & attenuator).