My Zodiac G3 cleaner always gets stuck by the ladder on the deep end. Are there any adjustments I can make?
Is the diaphragm for the G3 or G4 interchangeable?
Hello Bob, The Zodiac Long-Life Diaphragm W69698 is interchangeable between the Zodiac G3 and G4.
I called Leslie pool store and they told me that the zodiac t3 is a updated model of the g3 is that correct? Also can I use the cyclonic leaf catcher with the g3?
Hi John, The Zodiac Baracuda T3 has replaced the G3 model, you can also use the Zodiac Cyclonic Leaf Catcher with the G3 Cleaner using the special adapters that is included with that unit.
Why does my Zodiac G3 go backwards not forwards?
Hi, Bob. This type of cleaner is designed to move in the opposite direction from the front of the unit. It will appear that the cleaner is being pulled by the hose.
My Zodiac G3 runs about 1 to 2 minutes after it gets hooked up and then stops. I then can't get it going again. What am I doing wrong?
Andrew, If the cleaner stops then starts, check diaphragm for blockage or damage. Use the Pool Pulse to determine proper flow.
How can I tell when the foot is worn out? Would this prevent it from moving?
My unit has stopped moving even though filter and baskets are clean and valves are set properly.
Hi, Tony. The Footpad, Yellow - W70327 will wear similar to a tire when the threads are worn down it will prevent water flow into the unit causing it not to move. You may also want to look into the checking the Long Life Diaphragm - W69698 for any holes or tears.
Thank you for your reply. Yes, it was a split in the diaphragm, ordered replacement. Good info on the footpad, I’ll keep my eye on it. Thanks again, Tony