How do you know if a pool heater is a propane heater or a natural gas heater?
Typically in the product name we use the abbreviation of "LP" for propane or "NG" for natural gas. Click here for a full listing of our >Pool Heaters.
Will a gas heater operate at the low speed of a dual speed motor?
Probably not - Most gas heater will shut off at low GPM levels (20-40) to keep the heater cores from overheating - 20 for 200 BTUs, 40 for 400 BTUs. Depending on your pool system you might get these GPM levels at the low speed but generally these heaters must be run at the motor's high speed.
What is the difference between an Electronic and Millivolt ignition?
The basic answer is that Millivolt is the old style of ignition, using a standing pilot light. While the electronic ignition uses a spark start system like a gas grill. Electronic ignitions are more efficient in gas usage and also are better suited for high wind areas where a pilot light might get extinguished.
Where can my heater be installed?
There are specific venting requirements and clearance distances that must be met to ensure proper operation. Consult the owner’s manual for exact specifications for your model of heater.NOTE: Gas fired heaters should be diagnosed and repaired by trained personnel.
Can I conect natural gas to my lp heater?
No you cannot connect Natural Gas to a LP heater. You would need a LP to Natural Gas to Conversion Kit to convert your heater to Natural Gas.
For winterisation, we Just have to open the drain valve on the side of the heater where the water input and output is, or there's an other place to drain the water?
Hello Guillaume, the drain valve on the side is where you would drain your water for winterizing.
I have a split in the "U" shaped line of the heat exchanger due to freezing, can this be welded closed or can this line be replaced?
Hello, I would send a photo and model of your unit to so we can see due to your model whether this is one part sold together.