I am looking for a type of "wrench" to remove the cover/nut described above.
Mike, They do not sell a wrench for that lock ring. What you can do is get an adjustable strap wrench. You can pick one up at your local hardware store. That will work great.
Actually, not true. Have one now but flange is bent. Care for a picture?
Hi Mike, I went through a list of lid wrenches we carry and could not locate one for the Jacuzzi filter series the lock nut belongs to. If you would like to provide a part number and a photo, you can send it via email to upload@inyopools.com ATTN: Alan and I will be more than happy to research a replacement for you. Thank you for your question!
In reference to your discussion with Mike about the tool for removing the Jacuzzi Magnum Force filter retainer ring, all indications are that it has been discontinued. Why? I don't know! For your information, the only strap wrench I have been able to find with a strap long enough to fit the retainer ring is by Whirlpool at Lowe's for $9.95 and can be found in the water filter department or ordered on line.
Buck, Thanks for the helpful information!