The plunger part of my backwash valve needs a new o-ring. Can I just purchase an o-ring? Also if that is not available, can I just purchase the plunger part without buying a whole new backwash valve.
when you replace o rings on the plunger and water still leaks out of the back wash
Monroe, It could be as simple as lubricating the o-rings or the pistons on the plunger are bad. Look over everything and go from there.
How do I remove plunger assembly on the Anthony 2" push-pull
valve -
You would unscrew the bolts from the top and pull out the plunger. The top might be on pretty tight from the suction so you might have to pull hard.
Are both the v34-016 and the v34-022 compatible with the va series filter?
Hi, Joe. Yes, both items are compatible with the VA Series filter depending on the size valve you have. The V34-016 is used with the 1-1/2" port valve and the V34-022 is used with the 2" port valve.
My Anthony plunger for the back wash will turn with pressure, but will not lift up to allow backwash.
Hi. The o-rings in the valve may be the issue if the stem assembly is in good condition.
I have an Anthony in ground with an old DE filter system For the back flush your part # 4890066 I need the O rings can you give me product # and my cost?
Please click here for the Anthony 2" Valve O-Ring Kit in which you will require.
I need to replace the plunger on an older VA-38 Anthony pool. Will this part work?
Hi Kenneth, this Anthony Plunger Assembly 2" COMPLETE (V34-022) will work on the old Anthony Bronze push-pull valves. You would need the Anthony Plunger Assembly - 1 1/2" Valve (V34-016) if you have the 1-1/2" valve instead of the 2" valve.