Will this thred into a hayward ec45 de filter for bottom drain same thred size?
Yes the SP0723 will work on the Hayward Perflex EC45 filter as well as the other models of the Perflex filter.
Will this thread into bottom drain for Hayward DE4800 filter? Will a 2nd valve thread into the first to make 2 valves in series?
Hi, This Valve can thread into the drain port of a Hayward DE4800 filter and the male end can also screw into the female end if you want to connect two of these valve together.
I have a 110 swim pro voyager cartridge filter my question is in the back of my filter there is a stop so water doesn't come out I want to put a shut off on the back and use it to lower the water in my pool when it gets to high but I don't know what shut off to buy can you help me!
Hi. You can use this Hayward Ball Valve - SP0723 or one of these Magic Plastics - Gate Valves.