I am not sure which hose to order. Does the 22" refer to tank diameter? Thanks.
Yes the 22" would refer to the width of the tank. If you like you could email us photos of your filter and we would let you know which hose you need.
Will this hose connect a pentair Dynamo pump to a Sta-rite sand filter?
Bruce, This Pump To Filter Hose Assy. 22" Tank (155728) will connect a Pentair Dynamo Pump to a Sta-Rite Crystal-Flo II Sand Filter.
I need this hoes 35inches long for a sea-rite 1.5 pump and sta-rite sand filter
Robert, The Pump To Filter Hose Assy. 22" Tank (155728) would be the correct size hose you need. The 22" refers to the Tank, not the length of the hose.
Is the hose 36 inches long or not? This is the size that came with my sta-rite crystal flo 2 pump model #145361C
The hose measure 27" in length and is designed for the use with the 22" Sta-Rite Crystal-Flo II Top Mount Sand Filter System.
I have a stay-rite pump to filter 1.5" hose with white ends that measure .4375" or 7/16" on the out side of the flange the threads the nut screws on measure 2.5" o.d. is this smaller or the same size fitting?
Hi. This hose does not match those specifications, however, if you can provide the model # of the pump and filter we can locate the correct pump to filter hose.
I need a replacement hose to go from a Sta-Rite JWPA5EL-2A2 pump to a Sta-Rite T-180WF filter. I believe it is a 2.5" hose with a coupling on each end. It is about 28" long.
Hi. Based on the info provided, you'll need p/n 24203-0034.
Will this hose fit a pure line PL-1502 pump to a 22 inch pro line sand filter?
I have a Reliant model #BC2730 pump and a sta-rite Cristal-Flo II sand filter. I need to replace the hose connecting the two. Is this the one I need? I know the union nut on the pump end is larger than the filter end.
I have a Reliant (BC2730) pump and a Sta-Rite Cristal Flo II sand filter. Is this the correct replacement hose? I know the union nut on the pump end seems to be a bit larger than on the filter end.
I have a sta-rite pump and filter model #'s JWPS5FL-A2 pump and 272526 selector and SRCF2019JOX160 filter and am looking for the pump to filter hose. Can you please advise.
Can you advise what would replace pool to filter and pump to filter hose assemblies?
For the pool to filter hose you can use this Above Ground Pool Filter Hose
sorry but this does not appear to be original matched equipment. Not knowing details, how the equipment is set etc.. there is no way for us to recommend a simple part # solution. this may be one that requires fittings only to match the equipment & then plumbed together as these 2 mfg use different threads.
Ok they are mismatched. Do you sell a base for this sand filter. Can you recommend fittings?
B, There is not a base that is currently available. You can use the Pump to Filter Connection Kit - 155764 with your filter and pump.
I have:
Sta-Rite sand filter T-200BP1
Sta-Rite pump MDL 1G02L 1.5HP
What is the part number of the short 20"-22" hose that goes from the filter to the pump? My current hose has 3 1/4" diameter fittings. A Pentair 155710 is not correct it only has 3" diameter fittings and they are too small.
They have made several different connector hoses over the years please call customer service at 1-800-831-7133.
They have made several different connector hoses over the years please call customer service at 1-800-831-7133.
we show a 155710 with a connection kit number 155767
mfg # 155728 ( 31-110-1580 ) should be correct