i have a hayward super pump 11 1.5 hp 2.0 in lines will this pump be too much gallons per hour and stress the plumbing
Hi Bill - No this pump would not stress the plumbing and would be very similar in it's Gallon Per Minute Output as the Hayward Super II. I would highly reccommend this pump as a replacement to a Hayward Super II.
Is this the high efficiency motor (UCT1102) instead of standard efficiency motor (UST1102)? It looks like it has a running cap which makes me think it is. Nameplate pic would be nice.
Does it come with a lid wrench?
Can I make my existing Super Pump plumbing work with this Super II unit? It appears the Super and Super II plumbing dimensions are very close (about .5" difference).
Hi Nate, The motor on this pump uses 6 amp @ 230V and 12 amps @ 115V which is little higher than the UCT1102 motor. A lid wrench is not included but can be purchased separately p/n SP3100T. You will need to adjust your plumbing to make this pump work.
Is the PureLine Pure Water Pool Pump 2 HP pump 1 or 2 HP? The specs in the product details list it as 1 HP. In looking at the pump curves in the description, am I using the 1 or 2 HP curve for this specific pump? Obviously it makes a lot of difference considering the 1 HP curve is well below my desired flow rate and the 2 HP curve is moderately above my desired flow rate (but does not exceed the filters max flow rate).
Hi Duane, The PureLine PureWater PL3503 is a 2 HP pump and we are correcting the specification at the bottom of the page which was wrong, thank you for bringing that to our attention. The pump curves are correct the two lower lines are for the 1 HP and 2 HP models, the two upper lines are for the 3 HP and 4 HP models which we do not carry.
i have a 2hp Pentair Wisperflow in ground pump with 2" intake, is this equivalent and will it work with a valet self cleaning system as far as pressure is concerned
Hi Roben, For your situation I would suggest staying with the Pentair Whisperflo Pump as it does better in high head situations which will be needed to operate your in floor cleaning system.
I have an in ground pool that holds 27,000 gallons water, it has a 1 hp waste management pump. Would this pump be a good replacement for this pump and handle the amount of water sufficiently?
Hi Ken, The PureLine Pure Water Pool Pump would be able to adequately circulate your 27,000 gallon pool.
I have in ground 15,000 gallon pool. My Jacuzzi Magnum Force will not turn on. Will this pump work on my pool.
Hi Laurie, This pump would be a suitable replacement for your Jacuzzi Magnum Force, please note that the plumbing ports are not in the same location as your current pump so you will have some minor re-plumbing.
How does this line up with a Pentair Challenger? The Suction and discharge ports look to be similarly located. I am looking to replace my 30 y/o pump, it's 1.5 hp and I have a 11K gal pool. It barely moves the water surface when operating and won't suck with enough pressure to use my automatic pool baracudda. Could I use a 2.5 hp PureLine?
Hi Teresa, It depends on the model of the Pentair Challenger pump you have. You will have to calculate the "Feet of Head" of your pool. Then determine the flow rate of your filter to determine if a 2.5 which PureLine pump will be adequate. You may need to clean or replace the filter media if you're recently experiencing low water pressure and suction.
Will these connections line up with pentair connections? I'm replacing a 30 year old pentair challenger.
Hello, the Pureline Pure Water has the Same dimensions as Hayward Super Pump. You would need to do PVC modifications from Pentair to a Pureline.
I need help wiring the motor for 115 volts. I never did it before. Thank you
Hi Charlie, Wiring instruction can be found in the PureLine Pure Water Pump Owner's Manual under Installation circuit diagram (48SUP1653C-I) for low voltage.
how many gallons per minute
Attached is the flow chart for this pump. Showing at Gallons per minute will be at depending on total feet of head.
I was waiting till the end of the season to order the PureLine Pure Water Pool Pump 2 HP - PL3503, but now it's coming up "No Longer Available". Is that temporary, or do I need to order something else? Any recommendations on a substitution?
At this time, we do not have any of the PL3503 pumps on order for replenishment.
Will this be a drop in replacement for Hayward model sp3215ee. Will I need to replumb. Thanks
The PureLine Pure Water Pool Pump 2 HP - PL3503 is a direct replacement for the Hayward Super II Pump. The model you provided is a Hayward TriStar pump so it is very likely you will need to do some minor replumbing to install.