Author: Matthew Simmons:

High Elevation Pool Heaters

Do I Need a High Elevation Heater?

Hello my friends who love the thin air of places like, but not limited to, the Rocky Mountains, Arizona or New...
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Which pool chlorinator to use?

What Type of Pool Chlorinator Should I Use?

​Chlorine – your pool needs it but what’s the best way to get it into the water?  While you can add...
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Opening Your Pool For Spring

How to Open Your Pool for Spring

Snow, ice and blizzards are recent memories for some pool owners but suddenly, it’s spring!  The heart of pool season is...
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What is a Salt Water Pool?

What Is A Salt Water Pool?

Most people hearing the words “saltwater” naturally think of ocean water, but in the world of swimming pools, “salt water” or...
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Can a Filter Be Too Oversized?

The simple answer that most pool pros will give the perplexed pool owner is a straight “no.”  That answer usually allays...
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