Step 3
Measure sharp curves and angles at 1’ to 2’ intervals or less. Any obstructions such as ladders, slides, rocks, waterfalls, etc. should be a numbered point. Measure these last after complete all pool points. Any obstructions away from the water’s edge but within the 18” overlap area should be numbered last on the A-B form, not in succession as you measure around the pool’s edge. Be sure to include any steps, ladders, waterfalls or any other non-removable obstruction in your sketch.
InyoPools Product Specialist Dennis R. Posted: 6/22/2014
Alan Rubin - For a custom made cover, you would have to fill out this form "Arctic Armor Safety Covers" and based on that information, we would provide you with a quote. For in-stock covers see our list of Safety Pool Covers on our "Pool Covers" page. There will be a shipping charge which varies by zip code.Reply
Alan Rubin Posted: 6/20/2014
I have a 20' x 38' saftey cover that needs repacement. It has 5 straps on the 20' side and 8 straps on the 38' side. It has spring-loaded attachments at the end of each strap. How much would it cost to have one made? do u have standard, in-stock covers. Is shipping free? (540)364-1114.Thanks, Alan Rubin