How to Read and Adjust the Hayward Aqua Rite SCG Operational Values


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This guide describes the Display Readings on a Hayward Aqua Rite Salt Chlorine Generator (SCG) and links you to a series of guides that tell you have to adjust or recalibrate some of these values including: Average Salt Level; Units of Measure, Cell Size, and Inspect Cell Timer Value.

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Step by Step


Step 1

The Hayward Aqua Rite Salt Chlorine Generator displays a total of 9 diagnostic parameters that are accessed by pushing the Diagnostic button sequentially. The default display is the Average Salt Level.  If the button is not pushed for 30 seconds, the display will revert back to this salt display.

Step 2

Push 1, Pool Temperature - When you push the diagnostic button the first time, the display will show you the pool water temperature as it is measured inside the cell. The Temperature is displayed in Fahrenheit or Celsius. The default unit is Fahrenheit. If you want to change the Temperature units of measurement to the English version of Celsius, see our guide on "How to Change the Units of Measurement on an Aqua Rite SCG".

Step 3

Push 2, Cell Voltage - The Cell Voltage is typically 22.0 to 25.0 Volts when chlorine is being generated, otherwise it is 30 to 35 Volts.

Click Here to View Replacement Hayward AquaRite Parts

Step 4

Push 3, Cell Amperage - The cell's average amperage when chlorine is being generated varies with the size of cell installed: T-15 is 3.1 to 8.0 amps; T-9 is 2.3 to 6.7 amps; T-5 is 1.9 to 5.7 amps; and t-3 is 1.3 to 4.5 amps. When the cell is not generating chlorine the amperage is 0. If the amperage is below the applicable range, check the salt level and inspect and clean the cell.

Step 5

Push 4, Desired Output % - The percent of time the Cell in ON. Run from "0P" to "100P" depending on the knob position.

Step 6

Push 5, Instant Salt Level - The salt level that the System is calculating during the chlorination cycle. A "-" symbol is place in front of the number to distinguish it from the Average Salt Level.  Measured in ppm or grams/Liter depending on units of measure setting. To change units of measure,  see our guide on "How to Change the Units of Measurement on an Aqua Rite SCG".

Step 7

Push 6, Program Code - This identifies the product. "AL-0" signifies "Aqua Rite"

Step 8

Push 7, Main Circuit Board Revision - This signifies the software revision level in the Main Circuit Board [currently r-1.59].

Step 9

Push 8, Cell Size - The Aqua Rite SCG uses one of 4 Cell sizes - t-15, t-9, t-5, or t-3. The Cell size displayed here has to match the installed cell to ensure proper operation including salt calculation. The cell install in this system is t-3. If this displayed and installed Cell size do not match, see our guide on "How To Change the Displayed Cell Size on an Aqua Rite SCG".

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Step 10

Push 9, Average Salt Level (Default) - On the 9th push of the Diagnostic Button, the display returns to the default display value, "Average Salt Level". The Average Salt Level reading is a sliding window of Instant Salt Level readings sampled every 3 hours or so. The Average Salt Level should track fairly close to the Instant Salt Level but occasionally, after some events like adding salt or changing cells, the two levels are considerably out of sync. When this happens, the Average Salt Level must be recalibrated to the Instant Salt Level, See our guide on "How To Recalibrate the Salt Level on a Hayward Aqua Rite" for instructions on recalibration.

Step 11

"HI" Salt Display - The higher the salt level, the higher the amperage that is drawn by the Aqua Rite SCG.  If the three larger size cells draw over 10 Amps or the smallest cell draw over 8 amps, the SCG will shut down to prevent itself from overheating. Upon shutting down the display will show "HI". The "High Salt" LED will also illuminate to signal that the pool's salt level must be reduced. See our guide on "How To Reduce the Salt Level In Your Pool" for more information.

Step 12

Reset Inspect Cell Timer - An internal timer is set inside the Aqua Rite SCG to remind you to inspect and clean the Cell. If the "Inspect Cell" LED is flashing and the salt level is above 2700 ppm, the 500 hour timer has been exceeded. Inspect / clean the cell and then hold down the Diagnostic Button for 3-5 seconds to reset the timer for another 500 hours.

Step 13

LED Lights - For information on reading LED lights on the Aqua Rite SCG, see our guide on "How To Troubleshoot a Hayward Aqua Rite"


(41 to 80 of 104)

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/16/2021 

The AquaRite manual lists 3200 ppm as the ideal salt level.

 Posted: 4/10/2021 

How do I change the display from Metric to English units

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/16/2021 

That procedure can be found here: How to Change the Units of Measurement on an Aqua Rite SCG

 Posted: 2/7/2021 

My diagnostic light does not light up.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/8/2021 

There is no diagnostic light; there is a diagnostic button. Are you referring to either the No Flow, Check Salt, High Salt, or Inspect cell lights? If the cell is making chlorine and those lights aren't flashing then there isn't an issue.

 Posted: 2/1/2021 

My output % display does not match the dial number. For example, to get the output to 65, the dial has to be turned up to 90. I can set the display at 60 and a few days later it will read something different. Is there a fix?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/4/2021 

The display board likely needs to be replaced. Before you do that, have you made sure the knob isn't loose?If you need it, the AquaRite display board can be found here: Hayward AquaRite Display PCB (OEM) - GLX-PCB-DSP

 Posted: 12/12/2020 

My salt level reading said cold this do I get it back to tell me what the salt level is?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 12/14/2020 

You can try resetting or recalibrating the cell to see if it will provide a reading before it shows COLD again. Or you can test the water using salt test strips to determine the pool's salinity level.Or wait until it warms up again so the cell can turn on and operate normally. If you are in an area where temps stay around 50 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for most of the winter, the salt level is not that vital. Temps below 50-60 degrees pretty much halt algae growth, so there's not much need for chlorine.

 Posted: 8/29/2020 

Inspect cell and check salt light is on always ... I changed the cell to the same t-9 made sure the salt level is correct In the pool but the system still won’t recalibrate, it’s giving me a lower reading of 1800 instead of 3400 were the salt level really is. I’ve tried to select cell type but there is no options coming up on the display to select the cell type. Is the board outdated should I replace circuit board next.?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/3/2020 

How old is your AquaRite control box? The original boxes (up until 2010, I think) only accepted a TCELL15. If you have an older model, your control is not set up to switch cell types or even recognize different cells. In that case, to get the new cell to work, you need to replace the Hayward AquaRite Main PCB (OEM) - GLX-PCB-RITE

 Posted: 7/20/2020 

Hello, I currently have a Hayward aquarite system in which my T-Cell 9 is failing. Can I upgrade it to the T-Cell 15? in which I can produce more chlorine at less amount of work on the cell? Would this cause a problem? or it's not recommended. thanks for your feedback.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 10/6/2020 

Yes, you can upgrade to the TCELL15. You just need to make sure you adjust the cell type in the control panel's settings menu. The cell will have a higher chlorine output, so you won't need to operate the generator at that high of a percentage. At what percentage you will need to run, the cell will vary on chlorine demand.

 Posted: 6/16/2020 

The salt level says 2.5. What does that mean? It was reading low salt and I added 2 bags yesterday

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/2/2020 

it appears you have the panel set for grams/Liter and not parts per million (ppm). The salt level that the System is calculating during the chlorination cycle. A "-" symbol is place in front of the number to distinguish it from the Average Salt Level.  Measured in ppm or grams/Liter depending on units of measure setting. To change units of measure,  see our guide on "How to Change the Units of Measurement on an Aqua Rite SCG"

 Posted: 6/28/2019 

My output % display does not match the dial number. For example, to get the output to 65, the dial has to be turned up to 90. Is there an easy fix?

 Posted: 6/24/2019 

I was getting the message add salt, inspect cell. So my cell was 5 years old so replaced it, still getting the same message. I had the PCB board totally inspected everything is working properly. Any ideas?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/3/2019 

My first step would have been to test the salinity level at a local pool store to confirm whether or not it is wrong. If the salinity level checks out, makes sure the correct cell type is selected, as that will affect the readings on the display.

 Posted: 6/18/2019 

The only light on my cell if there power light. Will not generate . Mounted to the return for above ground pools. Anyone got any ideas

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/20/2019 

The Diagnosing and Troubleshooting Your Hayward Aqua Rite System guide should give you an idea what is ailing your generator.

 Posted: 2/2/2019 

Hi, to add to my last comment. When I first press the button to get to the polarity it will stay on zero and not calculate. However, if I start off by switching the auto, off , auto the polarity will count down for both sides. I didn't know if that was normal. It seems like it wants me to switch from auto, off, auto first before it will show a reading other than zero but if I just open the box and go to polarity it will stay at zero. Thank you

 Posted: 2/2/2019 

Hello, my salt reader says 2100, store tested 3,300 twice. It was acting up over the summer also. Cell is 6 years old. I am trying to understand the polarity. Which I check it by pressing the buttons it comes up as 0 but then it goes through its calculation. After it is done it reads .7 for one side and I think 2.4 on the other side. It is a T-9. is that an indication that the cell is bad? It is a Hayward. Thank you.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/4/2019 

Hello Dominick - It looks like the cell might be bad. Try recalibrating the salt level. If that doesn't work, it's time to replace the salt cell.

 Posted: 3/3/2019 

Hello, So I ended up getting a new aqua rite cell. I got the T-9 which is what I had and I have the right control panel version. How long does it take to produce chlorine? I have run it for two days and the chlorine level is very low, I have it set for 6-7 hours a day. My PH is a little high but other than that the water balance is good. As soon as I installed it my salt level went up, it read 3000 at first and now it has leveled off at 4000. The pool store read it at 3100. Thank you.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 3/4/2019 

Hello Dominick - the cell will begin to produce chlorine once the saltwater starts flowing through the cell. How much chlorine it produces depends on the output level it is set. I would make sure the correct cell size is selected as shown in Step 9. You can also try calibrating the salt level as you will read in this guide, How To Recalibrate the Salt Level on a Hayward Aqua Rite

 Posted: 1/31/2019 

I was told that the salt level would not display on the diagnostic read out if the pool temperature was 60 degree or below. Is this true.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/1/2019 

Hello Robert - According to Hayward, the salt level will not display if the temperature of the water is below 50°.

 Posted: 2/1/2019 

Guess I was told wrong.. I have another problem. Where do I find info on how to reset after cleaning cell. Light check salt and inspect cell are flashing. I cleaned the cell. Need info on how to stop lights from flashing. I believe I need to reset timer for another 500 hours.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/1/2019 

Press and hold the diagnostics button for 5 seconds or until the Inspect Cell LED goes out. This will reset the inspect cell timer for another 500 operational hours.

 Posted: 2/4/2019 

I have done what you said to do. Flashing check salt and inspect cell light. Inspect cell light goes out but the check salt light continues to flash. I have to turn switch to off and then to Auto and the light will turn off. I check the panel in about two hours and the same thing is happening. Lights are flashinng

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/4/2019 

Have you had the water tested? What is the salt level?

 Posted: 2/4/2019 

I have been testing the pool water every 3 to 4 days. The salt level is at 2800 ppm. I was told that the chlorine is 1 and ok.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/4/2019 

You're on the low end of the salt range. Hayward recommends 3200 ppm. We recommend contacting Hayward directly if you continue to have issues. 866-772-2100.

 Posted: 8/7/2018 

Hello Allen - I would check that you have the correct cell type selected in your settings. Sometimes overlooked during this kind of troubeshooting, this little value has caused many a goosechase.

 Posted: 5/8/2018 

Hello Jim - A common problem is the failure of the current limiter on the Aquarite's main circuit board. The current limiter is flat round black disk in the upper right corner. Inspect that disk to see if it is damaged. Check out this video to see how to replace that part. Also, check out the AquaRite troubleshooting manual.

 Posted: 5/8/2018 

Check the stabilizer level (CYA). It should be around 50ppm. If it's low, the chlorine will burn up and you won't get a free chlorine reading. Try cleaning the cell first to see if that improves the chlorine production. The cells typically last 3-5 years. If you're outside of that , the cell might be going bad.

 Posted: 5/7/2018 

Diagnostic button will not switch screens. Power and low flow illuminated. Any ideas on how to get this working

 Posted: 5/6/2018 

Unit was working fine. now it appears to not be generating chlorine. the only diagnostic that is out of whack is the voltage that shows slightly high at about 27 V. i will clean the unit. its about 9 years old. i just changed the board. i set it to t15 as the generator is a t-15.

 Posted: 11/26/2017 

John - Try resetting the "average salt level". See Step 10 of this guide. Then check to make sure the displayed cell size matches your installed cell size. See Step 9.

 Posted: 11/20/2017 

My unit is reading 3700 ppm salt even though I have not added salt in weeks, and I have added quite a lot of water to the pool. An independent tester found the salt to be actually 3000 ppm. The tester and the Aqua-Rite screen were in agreement until I cleaned the generator. I followed the manufacturer's instructions exactly. What is going on?