How To Clean Out a Pool Pump Impeller


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Is your filter pressure running low or does your pump motor sound strained? Was your pool pressure fine a week or so ago? Do you have an automatic floor vacuum that is barely moving on the pool floor? If you answered “Yes” to any or all of these questions, your pump impeller could be clogged with debris. This especially holds true if you have palm trees around your pool as the fine hairs of the palms tend to clog things up. The location of the pool pump impeller is shown in this cut-away of a pool pump.

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Step by Step


Step 1

Before you tackle the impeller, check to see that your filter and pump skimmer basket are clean. To see our How To Guides on these procedures click How To Clean a Pool Cartridge Filter, and How To Clean Out the Pool Pump Strainer 

Step 2

If you have a floor vacuum, check to see if any of the hoses are cracked. To do this – with the pump running – pull the hoses above the water one by one and bend them back and forth. If you hear air coming from any hose, throw it out.

Click Here to View our Manual Vacuum Hoses

Step 3

If these efforts have not increased your filter pressure, you now need to look at a possible clogged impeller. Collect a coat hanger and a pair of pliers

Step 4

Turn off electricity going to the pump motor at your circuit breaker, not just the timer. You don’t want the pump to turn on when you are working on the pump.

Step 5

Remove the pump basket lid and the pump basket

Step 6

With the pliers, make a small hook about 1/2” - 3/4” at the end.

Step 7

Bend the wire a bit about 6" up so you can maneuver it.

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Step 8

Insert the wire slowly into the opening leading to the impeller until it stops. Now fish around for debris.

Step 9

Pull it out and clean it now and then. You may be surprised at how much comes out (especially if you have palms around your pool).

Step 10

Once you are done, put the pump basket back and with a garden hose, fill the housing with water in order to prime the pump correctly. Replace the pump lid.

Step 11

Turn on the electricity at your circuit breaker, and then turn on your pump.

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Step 12

If your pressure is still low, have a professional look at your pool as there could very well be something else wrong.


(121 to 160 of 177)

 Posted: 7/8/2015 

I did as instructed and turned it back on and the jets just erupted with power (that is a good thing), but unfortunately the vacuum still isn't putting out any pressure. Zero. The tank gauge registers 2.5. I am still confused about my vacuum.

 Posted: 6/25/2015 

OH MY GOD!! I was literally about 12 hours away from busting up my cement sidewalk ready to find the leak. I tried everything to fix my PSI of 2. New o rings, re caulked fitting, no luck. Googled and found this article. Went in and pulled out a huge wad of debris from the impeller. Everything working perfectly. Thank you so much for posting this.

 Posted: 6/11/2015 

When first reading "clean out impeller" I immediately thought "take apart pump"! But read and followed the instructions and less than 5 minutes my system is back to normal. I live in southwest PA next to another property with a long row of pine trees and it was the pine needles blocking the impeller. Thanks for excellent advice.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/6/2015 

lost prime - See is our on "How To Correct Low Water Pressure in Your Pool System". If your pump loses prime, shut it off. If it runs too long without water in the basket, it will damage the motor.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/6/2015 

What does it mean if my pool will not stay "primed" bout hour later my jets shut up ? Anybody know plz ?

 Posted: 5/31/2015 

Amazing!!! I have owned the same 20 X 40 pool for over 30 years and thought I had seen it all. Then after vacuuming out the winter debris when I started recycling the water, the level in the pump would not get full. The pressure gauge was showing almost no pressure and the skimmers were barely skimming. The pump also sounded very different.
I have three incoming water lines (2 skimmers and a bottom drain). Since I thought that possibly something had clogged a line I took turns shutting down all thee possible combinations of 2 lines leaving each one open all alone. Nothing changed. So I went to the internet and found your site. WHAT DID WE EVER DO BEFORE THE INTERNET!!!!!
After digging and digging in the impeller as directed I had only retrieved a total of about a tablespoon of debris. So I turned the pump back on - and VOILA - it sounded great, the water pressure was back up, and the skimmers were skimming!!! It only takes a little bit of debris to foul things up. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!


 Posted: 5/30/2015 

YOU ROCK!!! Freakin' awesome... Just saved myself $300 visit from pool guy with a stinkin' coat hanger!!!

(Now I gotta tell my landscapers to NOT BLOW GRASS CLIPPINGS INTO POOL!!!!)


 Posted: 5/27/2015 

This worked amazingly! Thank you for your instructions. Pump seems to be working right again and hopefully the pool will return from being a swamp.

 Posted: 5/17/2015 

Thank you thank you thank you! Worked like a charm! I was vacuuming leaves from the bottom of the pool, and since it was going to the waste setting I removed the baskets. I know better now, so do not remove your basket!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/2/2015 

JJay - I wouldn't think that anything that small would clog up the impeller.

 Posted: 4/29/2015 

I knew there was a simpler way! When I would clean the impeller I always would take the pump motor part off and clean it that way. I have had to clean it three days in a row ( last time was years ago... it's been windy lately). It's waiting for me to clean it again (as the pool turns green), so I was going to get a short screw driver and do it your way. However, your device is so much better. Problem is I have not a single wire coat hanger in the place (NO WIRE COAT HANGERS!!!) but I have yards and yards of of wire you use to tie chain link onto thee posts and horizontal bars when building a fences. I knew the stuff would come in handy if I kept it long enough:) Thanks again!

P.S. I know if the basket is crack you will have this problem but I just boat a brand new basket, and that still may be the problem. It is a generic one and I think the holes may be ever so slightly bigger and the outer surface is smooth. I noticed at the pool place that each row of holes had a little ridge going around horizontally under each row of holes. Do you think that my help prevent the smaller pieces from getting getting out into the impeller? THX


Anonymous  Posted: 4/27/2015 

This information is fantastic. Thank you so much for posting. Just saved me a service call!

 Posted: 4/15/2015 

Thank you for the step by step guide. It fixed the problem. With the costs already involved with maintaining a pool this saved me a service call and i'm sure a pricey fix. :-)

 Posted: 3/26/2015 

This Work
thanks Patrick


 Posted: 3/6/2015 

After doing all the maintenance on the system, my pressure was still low! Then I found this! Thank you! I'm back to normal pressure!

 Posted: 1/22/2015 

Thank you! The Impeller was clogged. The model of my pump was a little different, but there were 4 screws that we unscrewed to gsin access and clean out the debris! So happy it was not a leak in a pipe!

Anonymous  Posted: 12/6/2014 

What a life saver! I had alot of leaves in the propeller area! Cleaned it out just as you recommended, my pressure is back to normal!

 Posted: 11/23/2014 

Perfect solution. My pools pressure had dropped since yesterday and none of my troubleshooting improved the situation. Your directions helped resolve within five minutes. Saved me a $100 service call. Thanks.

Anonymous  Posted: 11/12/2014 

Thanks for the detailed instructions on what to do when your pump pressure suddenly drops dramatically. I knew the problem had to be a blocked impeller but I had no idea how to clean it out short of disassembling the unit. Your method of using a bent hanger to clear the debris was all I needed to get things back to normal. You're a (pool pump) life saver. Thank you so much for posting such helpful information!!

Anonymous  Posted: 11/2/2014 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Was just about to call a pro and look into a new pump since ours is so old.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/29/2014 

Rob1957 - Thank you for this information. We very much appreciate feedback like this. I'm sure it will help many other readers.

 Posted: 9/29/2014 

As my neighbor has a large pine tree upwind from my pool, cleaning the impeller is part of my normal maintenance. I can now tell it's a clogged impeller just by the sound of the pump. Here's another tip, although unusual. After spending more than a year trying to detect a leak on the suction side, I noticed one of my palm trees was dying. I broke out the "pre-landscaping" photos of my pool remodel, and low and behold, there was a 2" pipe with a joint close to the palm, although 3' down. Once I started digging, the soil got wetter and wetter. It turned out that a root from a neighbors tree had grown under the 2" pipe and raised the joint just enough to suck air. I didn't even know it was possible to suck air when under 3' of soil. Once the repair was made, all was good. Never rule out the extreme!

 Posted: 9/26/2014 

Thank you sooooooo much. I was just about to call in the pool people then I found this. The impeller was blocked with plant material. When it was cleaned the pressure returned to normal!!!

 Posted: 8/23/2014 

Thank you so much!! I didn't even know there was such a thing as a pump impeller or that it could get debris caught in it. Our pressure had dropped significantly, and after trying everything else (emptying baskets, new o-ring, backwash) I found your "how to." I didn't even need the wire, I was able to fish out a large ball of palm tree matter out by hand. After putting everything back together, the pump works like a charm and the pressure is excellent. I think it's even better than before!

Anonymous  Posted: 8/1/2014 

Ok- so I tend to look for info like this but most times discredit it before I try it. This time I actually followed the steps listed and wow- this was exactly the issue. Resolved. Thank you.

Anonymous  Posted: 7/6/2014 

Thank you SO much!!! We couldn't figure out where our "great" pressure went all of a sudden…… came across your website and suggestion to clean out the impeller and we're back in business!!! Awesome!

 Posted: 7/3/2014 

who knew. winner! thanks a million...

Anonymous  Posted: 7/3/2014 

Awesome fix! I thought for sure I was going to have to call the pool company. Thanks so much...

Anonymous  Posted: 6/24/2014 

Been all over the internet all day trying to find a fix for the low pressure in my above ground pool FINALLY found it here with the impeller clean out.WOW! Thank you for your help. Pump is working like new!

 Posted: 6/14/2014 

Just tried that fix on my Hayward pump. My heater wasn't coming on because of low pressure. Sure enough, there was a good sized plug of pine needles in there. My pressure at the filter was around 6-8 psi. Now it's around 13-15 psi. Now the heater is coming on again. Thanks for the tip. You live and learn.

 Posted: 6/9/2014 

You Sir, are a genius! It is 11:40 p.m. in NY and I just cleaned my impeller which I didn't even know existed half and hour ago. Even Girly Girls can fix this one! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/28/2014 

Still sucking air - Since you have hoses, I'm assuming you have an above ground pool so you have no underground pipes to worry about. Try putting a soapy solution around the outside of the skimmer to see if any bubbles get sucked into a leak in your skimmer. Also place this soapy solution around all your hoses and union joints to double check your connections.

 Posted: 5/27/2014 

Have replaced the O rings on vacuum side.
Have tightened fittings
Checked impeller…OK
checked hoses…OK
Still blowing bubbles so it must be sucking air?
Up to 8 lbs of psi only.
Any other suggestions why I cannot build pressure up to ~12 lbs?
Thank you


 Posted: 5/26/2014 

It freakin worked!!!!!!!!!!!

 Posted: 5/17/2014 

This saved me!!!!! Thank you.

Anonymous  Posted: 5/2/2014 

It worked ! Thanks !

Anonymous  Posted: 4/1/2014 

Worked great! Thx

Anonymous  Posted: 3/29/2014 

Just saved myself some money. Quick and easy fix

Anonymous  Posted: 2/23/2014 

Thanks for this info. My pressure was slowly declining over the past few weeks, and couldn't figure out why! After checking everything else, this did the trick and took only a few minutes. Thanks again!

Anonymous  Posted: 12/28/2013 

Was about to give up on my pool today and thought I would google the issue and this fixed the problem in minutes.