How To Clean Out a Pool Pump Impeller


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Is your filter pressure running low or does your pump motor sound strained? Was your pool pressure fine a week or so ago? Do you have an automatic floor vacuum that is barely moving on the pool floor? If you answered “Yes” to any or all of these questions, your pump impeller could be clogged with debris. This especially holds true if you have palm trees around your pool as the fine hairs of the palms tend to clog things up. The location of the pool pump impeller is shown in this cut-away of a pool pump.

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Step by Step


Step 1

Before you tackle the impeller, check to see that your filter and pump skimmer basket are clean. To see our How To Guides on these procedures click How To Clean a Pool Cartridge Filter, and How To Clean Out the Pool Pump Strainer 

Step 2

If you have a floor vacuum, check to see if any of the hoses are cracked. To do this – with the pump running – pull the hoses above the water one by one and bend them back and forth. If you hear air coming from any hose, throw it out.

Click Here to View our Manual Vacuum Hoses

Step 3

If these efforts have not increased your filter pressure, you now need to look at a possible clogged impeller. Collect a coat hanger and a pair of pliers

Step 4

Turn off electricity going to the pump motor at your circuit breaker, not just the timer. You don’t want the pump to turn on when you are working on the pump.

Step 5

Remove the pump basket lid and the pump basket

Step 6

With the pliers, make a small hook about 1/2” - 3/4” at the end.

Step 7

Bend the wire a bit about 6" up so you can maneuver it.

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Step 8

Insert the wire slowly into the opening leading to the impeller until it stops. Now fish around for debris.

Step 9

Pull it out and clean it now and then. You may be surprised at how much comes out (especially if you have palms around your pool).

Step 10

Once you are done, put the pump basket back and with a garden hose, fill the housing with water in order to prime the pump correctly. Replace the pump lid.

Step 11

Turn on the electricity at your circuit breaker, and then turn on your pump.

Click Here to View our Replacement Pool Pump Parts 

Step 12

If your pressure is still low, have a professional look at your pool as there could very well be something else wrong.


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Anonymous  Posted: 9/15/2013 

Just read this tip. I was about to open my wallet for the pool repair shark, then saw this quick tip. I spent more time looking for a clean out wire, than actually cleaning out the impeller. Who would've thought so much debris could pass the screen. What a difference!!!

 Posted: 7/9/2013 

Excellent Tip!! Just saved me some serious cash. Pool back in operation in 5 minutes....THANKS!!!!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/9/2013 

Jason - Sounds like you aren't getting sufficient water to the pump. You may have a partial or full block in the skimmer line and or the main drain line. You may have to have a pool professional look at your pool system.

 Posted: 6/6/2013 

Help.Pool pump works half pressure when main pump valve is open with skimmer but when main pool valve is closed and skimmer only is open pressure drops even more.Any ideas please?

 Posted: 5/27/2013 

Great advice, worked perfectly.

 Posted: 5/17/2013 

What did we ever do before the internet???! Pool pump appeared not to be working, so I was calling around for new parts. But pump is no longer made and a replacement impeller is not available. But in searching for one I came across these instructions. With a coat hanger and pliers and ten minutes; Alleluia, just saved a bunch and pump and cleaner now working full tilte. I was beginning to get algae so proper operation of pump system CRITICAL. Thank you, thank you and thanks for all the comments.

 Posted: 5/9/2013 

Thankfully I found this solution. Saved me having to stress about the low pressure. Took me only minutes to get it cleared and we are back up to the right pressure and flow.

 Posted: 4/20/2013 

Thank you! Tried it after the winter. Plugged with stems from leaves. Up and ready for summer! Thanks again! From Ont. Canada.

 Posted: 2/23/2013 

Awesome! Worked great! No pool man needed thank you very much!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 1/21/2013 

Superior Fence - Cartridges get clogged with minerals like calcium that don't rinse out with a normal hosing. Try soaking your cartridge with a TSP solution. Do not use muriatic acid as this tends to set the contaminates. If this doesn't work, you may have to purchase a new cartridge.

 Posted: 1/20/2013 

Tried cleaning the impeller because drain was not filling completely. Couldn't find any debris. I removed the filter that I had already cleaned and it ran fine, which tells me it's time to buy a new filter.


Anonymous  Posted: 12/26/2012 

Bingo! This did the trick for me too. My pool went into freeze protect mode here in Dallas yesterday but the main pump was acting weird. I started to panic because busted pipes would have been a nightmare. I read this post and had it working in less than 10 minutes. Had some leaves stuck in there. Not a whole lot but enough to cause the low pressure. Thanks again.

 Posted: 11/5/2012 

Thanks for great advice. Restored pump function to 100%. I found that 7 1/2 inch forceps worked even better than the wire.

Anonymous  Posted: 10/5/2012 

I gave my husband your instructions and after 10 minutes he had the pump working again. Thanks so much for saving us money. Worked like a charm!!!

 Posted: 4/25/2012 

Worked like a charm.Thanks saved me some money

 Posted: 2/2/2012 

Followed instructions and it took less than 5 minutes..
All kinds of stuff stuck in impeller.. Saved me lots of money!


 Posted: 1/2/2012 

Great Information