How To Wire A Pool Pump


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Pool pumps are wired to run on either 230V or 115V. Most are run on 230V and are preset at the manufacturers at 230V. If you are going to wire your own pool pump, you must first know what voltage is coming to your pump from the house circuit breaker. Also you must ensure that the electrical supply agrees with the motor's voltage, phase, and cycle and that all electrical wiring conforms to local codes and NEC regulations. If you are unsure of this voltage or are unfamiliar with electrical codes and regulations, have a professional electrician wire your pump for you or at least check your work.
Failure to wire the pump correctly can cause electrical shock or can damage your pump motor and void your warranty.

Things You'll Need


Step by Step


Step 1

Measure the voltage on the wires going to your pool pump. See "How To Use a Multimeter to Test a Pool Pump Motor - Voltage". This voltage will be either 230-240V or 115-120V. Pool Pump manufacturers commonly list these as 230V or 115V. Generally you will have three wires coming to your pump. For 230V you will generally have a red, a black and a green wire. The red and black wires are both hot. There is no neutral. The green wire is always ground. For 115V the three wires are generally black (hot), white (neutral) and green (ground).

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Step 2

CAUTION: Before you start wiring your pool pump, turn off all power to the pump at the breaker box.

Step 3

Unscrew the two screws that hold the cover over the back end of the motor. Remove the cover to expose the electrical connectors.

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Step 4

Screw a metal elbow onto your pool pump at the end of the motor.

Step 5

Run conduit from the metal box to the pump. String your three wires thru the conduit and metal elbow into the end of the motor. Screw the conduit collar onto the end of the elbow. Ensure that your wire size is adequate for the HP rating and distance from the power source. Check your pool pump owners manual for the correct size. Wire sizes generally run 14 AWG for motors up to 1 HP and from 14 AWG to 10AWG for larger motors depending on HP and Voltage.

Step 6

If you are wiring for 230V, the three wires coming to the pool pump from the circuit box are red, black and green. In this example for Hayward pool pumps, red will go to the L1 terminal and black will go to the L2 terminal. The green wire will be under the green screw to the far right. In addition there is a black plug with two wires coming from inside the motor , a black wire and white wire with a black tracer line. The black plug is positioned so that the white arrow on top of the 2 prong black plug is pointing at 230V.

Step 7

For clarification, this picture shows the terminals without the wires. The red wire is attached to terminal 1 of Line 1 (L1). The black wire is attached to terminal 3 of Line 2 (L2). The green wire is attached to Ground (GND). The black plug is positioned so that the black wire is attached to terminal 5. For 230V the white wire is not attached.

Step 8

If you are wiring for 115V, the three wires to the pool pump will be black, white and green. Attach the black (115 V) wire to terminal 1 of Line 1 (L1). Attach the white wire (0 V) to terminal 3 of Line 2 (L2). Attach the green wire under the Ground screw (GND). The black plug is shifted in position so the black wire is attached to terminal 4 Line 2 (L2) and the white wire is attached to terminal 5. Note: in this position the white arrow on top of the 2 prong black plug is pointing at the 115V label.

Step 9

Replace the pool pump motor cover and secure it with the two screws.

Step 10

Lastly your pool pump motor must be bonded in accordance with local electrical code requirements. Use a solid copper conductor, size 8 AWG or larger. Run this wire from from a reinforcing rod to the pressure wire connector provided on the motor housing. Note: In this example the wire coming from the bottom of the picture is going to the pump. The upper wire is going to the heater to bond the heater.


(81 to 120 of 484)

 Posted: 10/18/2017 

I am replacing my motor due to overheating. I also removed my old heat pump that sat adjacent to the motor. Previously, the ground wire from motor was attached to heat pump base. Because there is no longer a heat pump on that pad, what do you suggest I ground the motor to? I have steel rods that I can drive into soil?

 Posted: 10/14/2017 

Thanks for the advice... pump is installed and everything running swimmingly (excuse the pun)... NOW however I notice a "burning" odor in the shed, and the motor (if touched) is SUPER HOT! Whats up with that?

 Posted: 10/13/2017 

Bob - All indications are that you have 240V coming into your motor. But I would get a meter from someone to check it. If it does turn out to be 240V, both the white and the black wires are hot and it doesn't matter which goes to L1 or L2. Arbitrarily, put black to L1, white to L2. Ground wire (green) will go to the green screw. White arrow on the black box should point to 230V.

 Posted: 10/12/2017 

Totally confused by the wiring instructions.... have no volt meter but certain my power source is 240 volt, but I have only a Black, a White and a Green (NO Red!). I say this because 1) on my existing pump the white arrow (shown in step 6) is pointed at the 240 volt mark, and 2) I have none of those clip things on the existing wires to hook onto the terminals (rather than being screwed in). Seems previous pump was connected to 240, wouldn't you say? That being the case, do I treat my black wire as the red, my white as the white? Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/22/2017 

Jim - I'm not sure how you are changing your motor speeds from high to low. Most motors have a toggle switch at the back of the motor. Sometimes these switches have to be purchased separately. To give you some idea of how these switches are wired to the motor, I've provided the following guides: "How to Wire the 1011431-001 Toggle Switch to Century STSXXXXR 2-Speed" and "How to Wire the 2512558-001 Switch to 230v Century 56Y 2-Speed Motors". If these don't seem to fit your motor, give us a call at 407-834-2200, and if you give us your motor model, we should be able to give you more specific instructions.

 Posted: 8/21/2017 

Replacing my old single speed pump. The circuit is wired for 240. The pump I ordered is a 230 2 speed. The problem I'm having is the old pump had two terminals red, blk and then the ground screw. The wiring I have is red,blk,green. The new pump has 3 terminals black, line, yellow and then the grd screw. I think is should be wired blk to blk and red to yellow with nothing on the line terminal but I'm not sure. Any help would be appreciated.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/31/2017 

Lafrance - If I understand you correctly, you are replacing a 230V 2-speed motor with a 239V single speed motor. The old 2-speed needed 4 wires to create two separate circuits for high and low speeds. The new single speed motor only uses 3 wire for 1 circuit. I think the confusion comes from the 4 wires coming from your 2-speed switch. Take the 2-speed switch out and replace it with 3 wires coming from a single switch or a timer. For 230V motors red and black are hot and green or bare is ground. wire red to L1, black to L2 and green to ground. Note, both the black and the red wire have 115V against ground. Together they have 230V.

 Posted: 7/29/2017 

Hi.. can anybody help.. im trying to install my new 230v pool pump.. i remove the old pentair that was dual speed.. my new pump is wired for 230v ... but when i took wires out from old pump its 4 wires ..instead of three.. 1 green , 1 black ,2 red.. "the black was hooked to L1 , 1 red was on 2 and the other red was on 3/4 on the OLD pump... which red wire i used to hook to new pump ... is one red wire 115v and the other is 230v.. how to i check?

 Posted: 7/18/2017 

I'm trying to wire my pump (120v) to an intermatic t101. The pump has a red, a black and a white wire. Which wire goes to the ground screw, which wire goes to neutral?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/13/2017 

Ed – Yes, the black box lifts off of one lug on the terminal and you shift it over to the next lug on the left which points it to 115.

 Posted: 7/12/2017 

Hello, In the first picture where it shows the black box with a white arrow pointing to 230V, how do I change this to 115V? Does the whole connector unplug somehow?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/12/2017 

James - Your problem seems to be very similar to Chris100 below. Our wiring instructions may not be exactly the same for all motors. Your motor wiring instruction should be printed on the motor label. I'd follow them and read whatever is in your user's manual for any changes. Also, you too may have been sent a bad motor but that seem unlikely. If you bought the pump from us, give us a call. I have a call into our motor rep to see if he knows what might be the problem.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/12/2017 

Chris001 - Our wiring instructions may not be exactly the same for all motors. Your motor wiring instruction should be printed on the motor label. I'd follow them and read whatever is in your user's manual for any changes. Also, you may have been sent a bad motor. If you bought the pump from us, give us a call at 877-372-6038.

 Posted: 6/10/2017 

I just received the magnum 1.5 pool pump this week and installed it according to the instructions on this website. When I turn the breaker back on and flip the switch to the pump, it only hums. The impeller does not appear to be turning. This is the same thing my old pump was doing, which is why I replaced it. The voltage from the house is 115, and I changed the inside voltage plug on the motor to 115 from 230 (as per the instructions on this page). I'm not sure what else to do at this point. When my old pump was working, the impeller would at least turn, even if there was no water in the pump. I wired the new pump the same way the old pump was wired, and I know that pump worked with that wiring scheme. The new pump is the same model as the old pump. Any suggestions?

 Posted: 6/10/2017 

Just bought a new Carvin Magnum pump. The pump is part number 7-184949-22. I have 110vac supply.
Wired white to L1 and black to L2 and ground to the green screw.
When I move the pre-wired block (internal) from the position for 230vac to 115vac and turn on the pump it shorts the and throws my breaker. When I move the block to the 230vac position it runs for about 10 minutes and then shuts off.
After it sits for a bit it will start again.


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/6/2017 

Phil - If you are running on 220V, you don't need a neutral wire. One hot wire goes to L1 and the other hot wire goes to L@. Green wire to ground.If you are running on 115V, the hot wire goes to L1 and the other neutral wire goes to L@. Make sure your motor is configured for the right supply voltage. See the motor label for configuration instructions.

 Posted: 6/5/2017 

I just bought a new motor and it does not have a neutral connection for the white wire. After connecting the appropriate wires and plugging in, it won't start. Power to each connection but without the white wire, there is no power to the motor.???

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/30/2017 

Anonymous (230V wiring) - Yes, The two hot lines go to L1 and L2. green to ground and white ignored. I would cap off the white line.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/30/2017 

jmal - Yes, you can bypass the ProLogic and wire the pump directly to the circuit breaker. That's what most pool owners do with a timer in between.

Anonymous  Posted: 5/28/2017 

If i read thia correctly, on a 230v connection the red and black are L1 and L2 the green to ground and the white does not get connected. Is that right?

 Posted: 5/28/2017 

Went outside to discover that my Prologic control panel is dead....ran some preliminary tests that I found on internet...looks like board needs to be replaced....anyway just wondering if it would be safe to just wire the pump up to the circuit breaker directly....seems like it should be ok but just want to make sure....if anything I could still use pool and keep water circulating.....

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/26/2017 

Chlorine dream - I would try tapping the hole first. If that doesn't work, here's a link to A.O Smith motor parts including some terminal options.

 Posted: 5/24/2017 

Question for you guys..
Went to turn on the pump for the year and nothing . Realized the black wire had come off the screw on the terminal. When I went to screw it back down I realized the screw hole was stripped out. Can I tap the the hole to accommodate a larger screw? Can I replace the copper terminal?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/20/2017 

Nathan - Yes, for `15V, you need black hot, white neutral and green ground. Make sure your motor is configured for 115 V before you wire it for 115V. See motor label for instructions.

 Posted: 5/19/2017 

I'm replacing my pool pump the original pump is set up for 220v so had red wire hot blk wire hot and grn ground. New moter is 115v with white, blk and green do I need to run a neutral wire not sure what to do

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/19/2017 

Mike - Match the blue wire on the breaker with the black wire on the pump, red to red and white to white.

 Posted: 5/17/2017 

Hi, I just bought an utilitech pump and I am wondering how to wire it correctly! The breaker box has the standard blue,green, and red wire and the pump has the red, black and white. Which wire goes with what color?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/26/2017 

Stanz - After disconnecting the pump, measure the power across the two supply lines. Make sure it matches the power configured for your motor (230V or 115V). If that checks out, you may have a bad motor. Contact the place where you bought the motor to check on a possible replacement before the warranty runs out.

 Posted: 4/25/2017 

I just opened my pool for the spring. I have a Hayward 1hp super pump that I purchased midway through last summer. This year, when I tried to start the filter, the pump immediately trips the breaker. Not even a hum-breaker won't even set. I checked everything I can think of: I replaced the capacitor and the impeller is clear and turning smoothly. When I disconnect the pump, the chlorinater and heater work fine, so there is good power coming in. What am I missing??

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 12/5/2016 

Bob - According to the pump motor manufacturers, the wires are interchangeable. The white wire can go to either L1 or L2.

 Posted: 12/3/2016 

I am starting to think your instruction for the 115V wiring is incorrect. My Hayward pump wiring diagram shows that the Line in goes to the L1 terminal. You have stated here that the White (Neutral) wire goes to the L1 terminal.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 10/20/2016 

wiring pump - You may have sent 115V through a 220V configured motor. Generally, this is recoverable. Motor shut off after 15 seconds or so. There is nothing to reset. Try wiring it correctly and see if that works. If not, I'd take the motor into a motor shop to see if it can be repaired.

Anonymous  Posted: 10/19/2016 

I was replacing my pool motor which was wired for 230 and I had to black wires an a green coming from the conduit. On accident the green wire was placed on a L1 heat location. Would that cause any damage or require me to reset the motor somehow? Thank you. John

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/16/2016 

Mark - For 220V, it does not matter which terminal the red and black wires go on. Check to make sure your motor is configured for 220V and not 110V. It's not clear if you just bought the pump housing or you bought a whole new pump housing and motor. It's possible you have received a bad pump or motor. If you bought the unit from us, give us a call at 877-372-6038 or call Hayward direct at 866-772-2100 to discuss a replacement.

 Posted: 9/15/2016 

Replaced Haywood 1hp super pump with exact model.
Old pump had split in pump housing.
Old motor ran fine. When the new pump is turned on it runs about 3 seconds and trips the gfi breaker.
All grounds are good. No obstruction in any lines. Separated motor from pump housing and there is no obstructions on motor. Shaft spins freely. Should have just bought a new pump chamber and been done.
Motor is wired 220 and jumper is in correct position. Does it matter which terminal the red and black wires go on? Would it cause this problem?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/10/2016 

Dusty Jeans - By design, a pool motor can only run in one direction. It cannot be reversed by changing the wiring.

 Posted: 9/8/2016 

Do we need to be concerned about the pool filter motor running in the right direction with the 220v motor?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/9/2016 

TedSafety - The consensus is that 2pole GFCI breakers do not require a neutral connection on the load side for 220V applications, only on the line side to operate the equipment. Most GFCIs can measure the difference in currents between the two hot lines. But having said that, since not all GFCI installations are the same, it would be wise to read the wiring instructions that come with the GFCI.

 Posted: 8/8/2016 

If the white (neutral) is not used on the pump - how does the GFI work? A GFI measures what is going out on hot against what is coming back on neutral to sense a loss to ground. I have a GFI 220 breaker but I don't see how it can work without the neutral.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/31/2016 

scosta5 - The white wire is not used for a 220V setup. Just cap it off with a wing twist wire connector.