Model # NA350
Dries Underwater and Matches Any Liner Color!
Clear underwater sealant repairs tears and holes in vinyl pool liners. Use EZ Patch 369 for pool liners, plastic skimmer leaks, pool covers, or anything that's vinyl.
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Can I use the EZ Patch to eliminate leak around the steps?
If the leak around the steps is from a leak in the liner, then you can use the EZ Patch to help resolve the leak problem around the steps.
Do I have to drain the water in the pool to use the EZ Patch or can I use it in the water, without draining the pool, as my hole is under the water level?
The EZ Patch is made to be used above or below water and therefore you do not have to drain the pool water.
The Most Helpful Review
6 0
(5 out of 5 stars)
Reviewed By: Inyo Customer ()
works good
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The Most Recent Reviews
6 0
(5 out of 5 stars) liner repair
Reviewed By: Douglas R. from plano, IL ()
Pros: works good
worked as advertised
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