Model # UHXNEGVT14001
Indoor Neg. Pressure Vertical 8" Vent Adapter Kit - H400FD
This kit enables indoor installation where the exhaust vent pipe termination is required to be vertically terminated a minimum of 3 feet above the roof and a minimum of 2 feet above any portion of a building within 10 feet horizontally. This kit DOES NOT allow horizontal vent termination.
is this for unit tl400lp and is on top vertical draft?
I do not recognize the part number that you provided me. Would you attach a picture so I can identify which heater you have so I can help you with the correct adapter kit?
I just purchased this pool heater Hayward H400FDN Universal H-Series 400,000 BTU Pool and Spa Heater, Natural Gas, Low Nox.
I'm replacing the heater and and the exhaust vent part right above the heater but keeping the exhaust above the wide part.
Attached is a picture.
Hi, Gerald. This Vent Adapter Kit - H400FD - UHXNEGVT14001 is the correct option for your model and installation.
I have the Hayward H400FDN Universal H-Series 400,000 BTU Pool and Spa Heater, Natural Gas, Low Nox and I need the indoor "vent kit" I have attached a picture of what I think I need but you folks tell me I need Something a little different. Please view the picture and call me at 517-719-6300 to discuss. I'm trying to place thius order in the next hour.
Hi, Gerald. This Vent Adapter Kit - H400FD - UHXNEGVT14001 is the correct option for your model and installation.
I want to check if this exhaust is in stock Hayward indoor neg pressure vent kit 8” adapter kit
Hi John, currently there is one of the exhaust vents in stock. If that inventory count is inaccurate special order could be up to approximately 8 weeks.
I have the Hayward H400FDN natural gas heater and I'm looking to enclose the area where my pool equipment is located. I want to do a vertical vent for my heater. Can you please provide me the required kit for this application?
Hi Eric, your H400FDN heater is designed such that it may be vented using either a negative-pressure or a positive-pressure venting system. The UHXNEGVT14001 will be perfect if your local code allows the use of a draft-style (negative pressure) indoor venting system. Use the UHXPOSHZ14008 if it requires a positive-pressure system. This heater does have a blower fan; be sure to review page 13 and beyond of the owner's manual for a safe installation.
The Most Recent Reviews
(5 out of 5 stars) Hayward vent adapter
Reviewed By: Bobby C. from Arlington, Tx ()
Pros: Nice fit. Screw holes perfect.
Cons: None
This adapter fit perfectly. It also came with all the pressure switches you might need for higher altitudes. Instructions were plain but succinct. Pay attention or you will be redoing it. Better yet...check off each step.
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