

By Jacks Magic





Product Description

(STAIN SOLUTION #2) is designed to safely and effectively remove copper stains and scale from all types of pool surfaces without draining the pool. In most cases, The Copper & Scale Stuff is more effective than acid washing the pool, and will save both time and money. Please Note: must bypass heater when using this product. Dosage: 10 pounds per 10,000 gallons

Product Specifications

5 lbs.

?     Asked on 11/20/2012by Guest

Can I use Stain Solution #2 with an ionizer or Nature 2 system?

A  Answered on 11/20/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Yes you can, though you should contact Jack's Magic technical support before doing so.

?     Asked on 11/20/2012by Guest

How long will I need to treat my pool with the Jacks Magic Stain #2?

A  Answered on 11/20/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

A Jacks Magic Stain #2 treatment can take anywhere from 48 hours to several weeks depending on the severity of the stain.

?     Asked on 11/20/2012by Guest

How long should I run my pump after adding Stain Solution #2?

A  Answered on 11/20/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

You would run your pump continuously (24 hours) for the duration of the treatment.

?     Asked on 11/20/2012by Guest

I did the #2 treatment and now I can't get a chlorine reading. Did I do something wrong?

A  Answered on 11/20/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

With a Stain #2 treatment, the chemical will cause a low combined chlorine reading for as much as 30 days. You should not try to shock out the combined chlorine for two weeks following the treatment. Be sure that you are testing both free and total chlorine to avoid over chlorinating.

?     Asked on 11/20/2012by Guest

How soon can I swim after using the Jacks Magic Stain #2?

A  Answered on 11/20/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

When doing a Stain #2 treatment we do not recommend the pool being used by people or pets due to the pH being below the normal levels.


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