

By Jacuzzi Inc.



Part # 4666-15

Manufacturer Code 42294207R

Alternate Part #'s 42294207, 17-105-1138

Product Description

Dirtcatcher for Jacuzzi CFR 50 Sq. Ft. Pool Filter (42294207r000)


?     Asked on 6/29/2016by Jan

Will this part work with model CFR-75?

A  Answered on 6/30/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Megan C.

Hello, Jan. It is not advised to interchange the smaller Dirtcatcher with the CFR75 cartridge filter. For proper filtration you should replace it with the Dirtcatcher, 75 Sq.ft. (42299503r000).

?     Asked on 7/5/2016by Vickie McWhorter

Seeking to replace a dirt catcher for a Jacuzzi CFR-50 unit, if an entire filter housing/unit is avaviable that may also be an option. OR... if a complete pump filter unit is available an decently priced... i will also consider that. We are attempting to duplicate our current set-up but if there is anything comperable for use on a 24' x 52" round above ground pool, i would be interested in reviewing. Thanks for your time!

A  Answered on 7/10/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi Vickie, The CFR 50 Filter is no longer available, but you can replace it with the CFR 75 which is available in limited qty. A pump and filter system is not available with the CFR filter. duplicating your system with the exact same equipment might not be possible. You can view our selection of Above Ground Pool Pump & Filter System.

?     Asked on 8/24/2016by joe Mey

I have a used Jacuzzi CFR50 pump and filter from a freind to replace my filter that failed. the pump works great but It is missing the filter cartirigde. i see you also sell this part for the same system. This item is not with the filter either is it required for proper operation of the unit or is this an optional accesory to enhance the operation?

A  Answered on 9/1/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi Joe, The Dirtcatcher is required to ensure that the filter to operate as intended.


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