

By Pentair Pool Products



Part # 3240-945

Manufacturer Code K12004

Alternate Part #'s 12004, 12945, K12004, K12945, KPY2019560, 87-110-1020, KK12004Z, PENK12004

Product Description

Valve, Automatic Regulator (k12004)


?     Asked on 7/23/2014by Guest

Can you explain if this part is needed and how does it work, also can you just elimate this part and put the hose directly into the skimmer?

A  Answered on 7/23/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The 3240-945 regulates the amount of suction going to your Kreepy Krauly if your cleaner runs fine without it than you would not need to use this part. However if you are having a hard time getting the proper amount of suction to the cleaner than this part would help to regulate this.

?     Asked on 6/5/2015by Peggy

When I purchased my kreepy krauly I received this valve. But mine is in two pieces and doesn't appear to have been broken. Mine has the barrel canister with the hose attachment on top (one piece) then I have the mail attachment that goes into the skimmer separate. Is this right? Does the cannister just rest on the skimmer piece?

A  Answered on 6/16/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Peggy, This Automatic Regulator Valve does come in two pieces, the valve and an adapter for your skimmer. Yes, the valve is connected to skimmer, then the hose is connected to the valve.

?     Asked on 10/18/2015by Inyo Visitor

The adapter part of part k12004 is worn / cracked at the end that goes into the skimmer hole. The main body is fine. Can this part be separately ordered, or is a non kreepy adapter available ?

A  Answered on 10/20/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, The Kreepy Krauly Threaded Compression Adapter (K12079) would be the part you would need.

?     Asked on 3/16/2020by Ken

Hello, the fairly new regulator is not opening enough and the unit is moving beyond 8 to 12 fpm and consequently very little water is being sucked into the skimmer. Air bubbles are coming out of the return jets, I checked the pump skimmer and saw that there was not enough water going in to fully fill the chamber. These issue goes away when I manually press down and open the regulator valve more. The filter has not been serviced for over 6 months, is this the problem? Thank you.

A  Answered on 3/17/2020 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Ken. A dirty filter can reduce water flow and suction power. Have the filter serviced and make sure that the Regulator Valve has a secure fit into the skimmer.  

  • Commented on 3/17/2020 by Product Owner

    Thank you, will service the filter and see if the valve will open more.

    • Commented on 3/19/2020 by Product Owner

      Hi Lennox, I emailed earlier that I had to insert a screw to keep the regulator valve from closing completely. I think I found the problem. My Kreepy is pre 1988 and the regulator I should have gotten is 41200-0214 instead of the one I have now, 3240-945. Are the spring pressure so different? Thanks

    • Commented on 3/19/2020 by Product Owner

      Hi Lennox, Serviced the filter and the filter pressure is at back at normal but the regulator valve still won't open. I had to manually insert a screw to stop the valve from closing all the way! Must have gotten one with a defective spring coil. Any other thoughts? Thanks.

      • Commented on 11/6/2020 by InyoPools Product Specialist Megan C.

        The Valve, Automatic Regulator (k12004) is for the Kreepy Krauly models 1993 and Prior. The image will show the correct way to install it.  



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