Part # 3295-477
Manufacturer Code 6101641-R2
Combined PVC Brush, Gray (2PK) - 6101641-R2
Suitable for vinyl, PVC and unglazed concrete pools as well as pools lined with fiberglass, rough ceramics, Marbelite, and stainless steel.
**Note: Requires the Climbing Ring - 4 Pack - 6101611-R4.**
i need replacements for maytronics dolphin supreme m 4 filter cartage,both,and vinal pool liner complete roller assy,both,and climbing rings,a set of 4 could you help please?
Hi, William. The replacement cartridge filter is p/n 9991432-ASSY, Combined Brush - 6101641 and Climbing Ring - 6101611-R4
have the dolphin premiere. need the combination brush for the cleaning/climbing of walls. can you advise the correct model number?
Hi, Tiff. This Gray Comb. PVC Brush - 6101641 along with the Climbing Ring - 4 Pack - 6101611-R4 will fit the Maytronics Dolphin Premier cleaner.
Where can I locate instructions on how to install the new Brush 6101641. Do i need to have new climbing rings ?
Will this fit the Triton Classic 5? Size looks very close.
Unfortunately, we do not carry parts for the Triton Classic 5 however, you can always confirm directly with the manufacturer Maytronics at 1-888-365-7446.
Less than 1 hr
Screwdriver, Pliers, Needle nose pliers
I took a flat, long handle screwdriver and pried the rollers that held the brush tracks. I then removed the climbing rings, removed old brushes. I installed the new brushes per instructions provided. I then popped the rollers back on to the cleaner.