By Confer Plastics
Model # PESDBL
Warranty Confer Plastics, INC. warrants their laddiers to be free from defects in workmanship for one year. After the first year, the cost to replace parts are as follows: 2nd Year- 20% 3rd Year- 40% 4th Year- 60% 5th Year- 80%
Pool Entry System Complete Inside & Outside Steps With Gate - PESDBL
Designed for all people including elderly swimmers and physically challenged swimmers:
Can be installed in two configurations:
The unique design of the pool entry system allow two units to be joined together to form a complete entry/exit system into the pool.
When I first pulled up your website for pool entry system, Confer model PESDBL, the shipping was free. When I went to the next page, I had to give my zip code and it calculated the shipping which ran the bill up almost $200 more. Why was the shipping free on one site and so expensive on the other? This system is not one of the cheap ones. What is going on? Is the shipping free or not? I was going to buy from you to save money, not pay the same as at a pool store. Please let me know.
Judy- Unfortunately this shipping on the Pool Entry System Complete (Inside & Outside Steps W/ Gate) PESDBL is not free. I apologize for any error that may have occurred, but the item would indicated that is has free shipping underneath the price of it.
I assume this needs to be removed from pool for winter cover application. How much is involved with removal & how difficult is this?
Hi. You will have to remove this step from the pool for winter storage. Instructions are available in the PES Owner's Manual.