When should I change the sand in my filter?
You should change the sand in your filter every 5-7 years. You can generally tell that it is time if your pool water is not as clear as it normally is or when you notice the interval between backwashes is shorter. You can use > this guide to walk you through it.
How often do I have to replace the sand in my filter? What is normal operating pressure?
On a "fresh start-up" a filter would operate anywhere between 10-20 psi. As a general rule of thumb you only want to backwash when the pressure increases 8-10 psi. You want to make certain that the pump is being turned off whenever you move the handle on the valve. Once backwashing is complete (3-5 minutes), you can switch to the rinse option to re-settle the sand bed. Sand will typically last 5-7 years. Premature backwashing will wear down the size of the sand which will cause difficulties such as cloudy water and higher operating pressures.
My back wash and water return flow is very weak. Also after back washing there is sand being sent back into pool in return flow.
Hi Bonie, If you are getting sand back in the pool then I would check out this article on Getting Sand Back in Your Pool as it goes through common items to check when getting sand back in your pool.
I have a 24 foot round pool. I need a new housing for my Sand filter. It is a fiberglass tank and has started to leak. The model is a TA35/35D. Can you give me a price. Ty.
Unfortunately we do not carry the TA35 tank as it costs more than the complete Tagelus filter. The TA35 Tagelus was replaced by the TA40 Tagelus Filter here.
What size sand filter is required for a 12,000 gallon in-ground pool running on a 1.5 HP pump? Looking at the Hayward S244T. Would you recommend this, or a different Hayward model?
Hello, The S220T would be ideal for your pool size/application.
the sun has faded our top mount handle positions and we don't know what they are can you tell me what they are it is a Hayward s220t model
April, The replacement Label Plate (SPX0710G) will work on all the Hayward Multiport Vari-Flo 1-1/2" SP-710X, SP-712, SP-711 1976-Current
Our S220T is about 12 years old and we need to change the sand, it doesn't appear that unions were used in the PVC install, is there anyway to remove the multiport valve to change the sand without cutting through the PVC? I'm wondering if the PVC is screwed into the pipe and can be unscrewed.
Unfortunately it is very unlikely that you can remove the multiport valve from the filter without needing to cut the pvc. The positive out of it though is that this gives you an opportunity to install those unions so this will be very easy in the future.
My 15 x 30 by 4.5 (ave) pool has about 47 feet of head. I'm interested in a 2" inlet pump and the Pentair .5 HP seems to be adequate. Can you please double check me (in case I need larger, I have 120V at pump. The only 'feature' I have is the Kreepy Krawler, but I included the hose length in the head calculation. I also want a recommendation on a filter (prefer Pentair also) that is NOT cartridge. Something that requires even less maintenance. I also have a Salt Chlorinator. Thanks! Pete
Hi Pete, you probably could get by with the 1/2 Horse Power (HP) pump but my concern is having enough suction to power the automatic pool cleaner, for this reason I would suggest the 3/4 HP Pentair Whisperflo Pump. The Whisperflo pump has 2" ports and is classified as an energy efficient pump. If you are looking for easy maintenance then I would go with a sand filter, in my opinion sand filters are the easiest to maintain. If you go with the 3/4 HP pump then I would pair it with the Pentair Sand Dollar SD80 Sand Filter. Both the Whisperflo pump and Sand Dollar filter will work fine a salt system.
I have a 18 x 36 inground pool running a 1hp Super pump and a Laser 250L that has developed a split in the tank and needs to be replaced. I am looking for recomendations on sizing and Brand of Sand Filter replacement. My pool due to repairs done by prior owners has only one intake 1 1/2" (Skimmer) and one return line which was cut down to a 1" line for some prior repair reasons ( I assume failure to properly winterize).
Hi, The Hayward 22 Inch Tank Top Mount Sand Filter (S220T) would be suitable replacement for your current unit. I would recommend going to the Hayward 24 Inch Tank Top Mount Sand Filter (S244T). I would offer you better water flow and less cleaning/backwashing.
The height of the filter does that include the multiport or not in the measurement.
Mark Ottman
my old filter is a Hayward Multiport, Can I replace it with a top port
Hi, You can replace your existing Hayward filter system with this unit, you will need to make sure that this unit will be able to handle the flow rate of your pump output.
I have a 30' foot round and 56"deep above ground pool and I am looking to replace current Hayward sand filter S180T and 1 hp pump.Any recommendations ?
I have to replace my sand filter tank. I have a model # DFLE42078 sand filter tank now that is made by Hayward. It's 2.7 sq. ft filtration @ 25 GPM ft sq. Not sure which tank I need to buy to replace the one I have. Any suggestions? Thanks
Pool is 14 x 32, about 4 ft deep average. We have a Hayward S200 currently, top is cracked so time for a new one. Will a small filter do? Or should we replace with the same filter system?
I have a model S-244T Hayward sand filter, There are air bubbles coming out of the return lines, Have checked all connections for leaks don't find any, any suggestions? Have new o-rings replaced, and new gasket on the filter basket?
Hi Mike, If you have not done so already then I would check out our Step by Step Guide and Video on How to Identify and Correct Air Leaks as this should be helpful.
my valve on top of my filter startes to blow water out the top after about 15 min of filtering need help.
Hi John, You'll need to replace the o-rings located in the valve. You can find replacement parts for that valve via the Hayward Multiport Variflo XL Parts page.
We have a S220T and when we vacuum dirty water comes out of the return lines. We have back washed and it still happens.
Hi Tina, You may need to replace the sand in the filter because it's not allowing the debris to be caught in the filter.
I have a 2HP Hayward pump which came with our above ground pool which was used when we bought it. WHAT SIZE FILTER WILL WORK WITH THIS PUMP? I know it is a big pump, because it blew out the bottom of my cartridge filter. Want to try a sand filter this time. Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi, We will need to know the actual pump model, and the pump location so that we can calculate what size filter you'll need.
Pool supply store said i need the sand grit # for Hayward Model S220T. I can't find that information anywhere??? What is the #????
You can use the #20 Silica Sand for swimming pools or Zeobest Sand Alternative. We unfortunately, do not carry the #20 Silica Sand.
18x36 pool filter Hayward S245T with a Hayward super pump 3/4hp. looking at the S244T and S220T. It looks like the S220T will work? Where do i find the distance from the base to the inlet and outlet hook-up on the valve. want to see how close they are in relation to the S245T filter
The plumbing ties into the multi-port which is mounted on top of filter. You can go here for diagram Hayward Pro Top Mount Sand Filter
Hi y'all!
Started my question but I touched something accidently so not sure if it got thru.anyway, I have a Hayward S220T with vari-flo XL valve(Model SP714T1). Last year when back washing sand was in the waste water. Could it be a gasket in the valve? Will be opening it soon and thought it best to take care of the problem now. Many thanks!! Dee
Yes, sounds like a bad spider gasket. That gasket is not sold separately so you can either get part number 4703-20, which is the key, cover, and handle assembly, or part number 4703-23, which is the key assembly with the spider gasket.
I have a 15'x30'x4'deep above ground oval pool with a pentair optiflo 1.5 hp pump. Can you recommend a sand filter? Is that size pump too big for our pool?
This 22" Hayward sand filter would be a great fit for the 1.5 HP Pentair Optiflo and this pump and filter would be the correct size for a 15' x 30' x 48" above ground pool.
I have a 20x40 inground pool.... Hayward S220T filter and last year pool cleaning co. couldnt get pool to stay clear or not green....I replaced pump,sand cleaned liness....now they said maybe I need to buy new filter?? Is just guessing game or could I need to get a new filter and if so...same one since pipes will fit??? HELP
You should not have to replace the filter, if the sand has not been replaced in a while I would recommend changing that out though. Otherwise, it sounds like they are not circulating your water long enough and not keeping enough chlorine in your pool. The water will turn green when there is not enough chlorine in the pool.
are the flanges on the tanks all the same and can a Hayward valve fit any sand tank
No the flanges on the tanks are not all the same and the valves only fit the specific tanks they are designed for. If you supply us with your filter or valve information then we can suggest the appropriate counterpart.
Have Hayward S220T Sand Filter. My pool has been staying cloudy recently. Did everything pool store told me still not clearing up. Color is ok can't see bottom in deep end. Do I need to change sand in filter? What kind of sand should I be pouring into water return? Been using DE but we don't have a DE Filtet. Usually when I backwash the water in the sight glass will cloud up and turn clear, but now it is only clear and when I backwash now the water coming out is clear with no sand. Please help!
Hi, Andy. If the sand is more than 3-4 years old I would recommend replacing it. Poor filtration can cause the pool not to clear up.
What is the maximum safe operating pressure (OP) of the 220T? This is a fresh install with 150lbs #20 sand + 50lbs Zeosand Alternative. After backwash & rinse, OP = 22psi. Upon adding the new Barracuda G3 to dedicated cleaner port, OP increased to 30psi with fresh, clean sand. If dirty sand increases pressure 8-10psi, that will put the OP at 40psi. Is that within the safe operating range for this filter unit? I ask, because my last unit exploded/ruptured due to over pressurization. Thanks!
Hi, Jason. The max operating pressure of this filter is 50 PSI. Using two different type of sand is the cause of what you're experiencing.
only the tank is damaged. is it possible to buy tank alone
Hi, Colin. The tank only is not available as a separate part. You can purchase the S220T Tank Kit - SX220AA1 which includes the tank, lateral assembly, drain plug and skirt.
18 by 36 pool is this filter large enough or bigger one and price on 1,5 flex hose for return line
Hi, Dominic. This filter will work if the flow rate of the pump does not exceed 52 GPM.
I have a 15000 gal IG pool with a 1hp Pentaire Superflo. Would the 220T suffice or should I go bigger ?? TY Dave
Hi, Dave. The S220T will suffice if the flow rate of your pump does not exceed 52 GPM. Your pump flow rate is the most important factor when sizing a filter. You can check out our How To Size a Pool Filter.
I have a 16 x 32 inground pool with a Hayward S-220T filter and a Haywood Max-Flo II pump 1-1/2 hp. The return going to the pump has very little suction although the return to the pool seems to be strong. Line to filter has been replaced, so it is not constricted anywhere. Am I using correct pump size or could I need a new pump.
Jean, The pump would be adequate for the pool and filter size. If you have a main drain, I would recommend closing it and drawing all suction from the skimmer. You may have air trapped in the line.
I am planning to upgrade my pool pump and filter. I want to get a Variable speed pump (Pentair SuperFlo). I'm wondering if this sand filter will work? My pool is 12x28, 4' on the shallow end, and 7' on the deep end (about 14,000gallons). I have about 47' of head. Will a sand filter of this size work with a variable speed pump?
we just bought a home with an in ground pool the seller had no info , we have the pump running and the water chemicals are at normal numbers now. The pool had not been covered or cleaned all winter .We have removed all the debris in the pool but now we can not clear up the water its cloudy. We have not been able to see the bottom at all .we have no idea when the sand was replaced in the filter . could this be our problem not being able to get the water cleared up?
This can be the cause of the cloudiness or even any organic material on the floor of the pool. Sand filters sometimes have difficulty filtering that sort of material. If the waste line is set up well for discharging water then maybe consider vacuuming that material to waste to assist in getting that out first allowing the filter to grab only whats in suspense in the water.
Have a 2 horse power pump, what size Filter would I need to run a 20,000 gallon inground pool?
Hi. The filter size will be based on the flow rate of the pump. To determine the flow rate of your pump, you will need to calculate the Total Dynamic Head (TDH), then use steps in our How to Size a Pool Pump for Your In-Ground Pool and How To Size a Pool Filter to determine what size filter you'll need.
Does this S-220T contain everything pictured? It seems cheaper to replace the entire unit if you have a lot of issues with the one you have. I have this S-220T already and sand is coming through into my pool. My initial assumption based on everything i read is to change the laterals.
Yes, this filter comes with everything in the images on its product page. Usually, the sand returning to the pull is due to bad laterals or spider gasket in the valve. Especially if the pump used with it is the original that came with the system upon install.
I have an on ground pool 12'x22'x4' and have a 1.5hp pump and need to replace the sand filter. will the S-220T work ok? Will there be any potential problems with the small pool size?
24000 gal in ground pool, Hayward 3/4 hp pump. Sand filter is Hayward side mount, 35 years old. Diameter of tank is 22 inches. No problems other than maintenance , but need to replace sand filter. Suggestions for which Hayward Sand filter to get for replacement? We run a Polaris cleaner with additional pump for power about every other day during season.
Thank you for contacting Inyo pools, Sand Filter with Top Mount Valve 22 Inch Tank - W3S220T would be a good replacement for your Hayward sand filter.