Why is my pump losing prime when I vacuum my pool?
In this video, we look at why your pool pump is losing prime when you vacuum your pool.
pool cleaners Pool Maintenance PRIMING POOL PUMP robotic cleanersIn this video, we look at why your pool pump is losing prime when you vacuum your pool.
pool cleaners Pool Maintenance PRIMING POOL PUMP robotic cleaners
I have the same problem. If I put the vacuum plate in the pump loses it’s prime without even connecting the hose, and the vacuum plate is fully submerged. There are no leaks in the system, the sand in the filter is a month old, and the pump lid O ring is brand new. The only thing it could be at this point is the pump needs new seals and o-rings.
This is a problem I am having and all the suggestions in the video for me are not an issue as I have a new hose, no air in hose and o ring is still good, no signs of wear. Pool filters water for me at a good PSI, but when I try to vacuum using skimmer and skimmer basket inside it drops the water level in pump and gage reads zero until I remove the skimmer cap for vacuum hose and let the system reprime. The sta rite aid has water up to the top with very little air bubbles in it on the pump side. Do I need to rebuild my pump?
If the problem only pops up when you add the vac plate and hose, the problem is with one of those parts. If the pump can self-prime after you disconnect the hose and vacuum plate, then it is working as it should. Try removing the skimmer basket when vacuuming or get a different hose.