How to Read an AO Smith Pool Motor Label


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When the time comes to replace your pool pump motor the jumble of numbers and ratings on a motor can be overwhelming. This "How to" will guide you through which information is useful in your replacement pump motor search. We also provide tips on essential parts that should be replaced when installing a new pump motor.

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Step by Step


Step 1

Tools you may need: 1. A cloth and cleaning solution, this is needed to remove any dirt or grime causing your pump motor label to be unreadable 2. A Shaft Seal or GOKIT when replacing your motor. Working seals and gaskets are vital to the health of your pool pump. A malfunctioning shaft seal will cause water from the pump to leak into your electrical motor causing it to fail prematurely. A GOKIT includes the complete set of your pumps gasket's and O-rings, including the shaft seal.

Step 2

In general there are two main labels on a pool pump; the pump label and pump motor label. Both can be used to determine the correct motor replacement but first we will focus on the motor label as it is the quickest and easiest to search. If your motor label is unreadable, later in the guide we will show you how to backtrack information off your pump to find the correct replacement. Quick Tip: The manufacturer of the pump motor and the pump itself are different companies even if the pump is brand new from the factory. For example, you have purchased a Hayward Super Pump, the wet end of pump where the water is housed is made by Hayward. The motor attached to that pump wet end was likely made by A.O. Smith, Century or Marathon.

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Step 3

An A.O. Smith pump motor label has a lot of different numbers and ratings that can have an appearance of alphabet soup at first glance. Let's narrow down the scope to just the information we will need to search for a new pool pump motor replacement. The list is as follows: Motor Model Number, Horsepower (HP), Service Factor (SF) and Frame (FR)

Step 4

When reading an A.O. Smith pump motor label the most pertinent information to aid you in finding a replacement is the "Motor Model Number." With this information alone you could find the exact match. As shown in the picture, an A.O. Smith motor may have two model number formats listed, either one can be used in INYO's pool pump motor search engine.

Step 5

The first format is one that follows the line of "UST1102", "ST1102" or "SN1102". The set of letters in the beginning denote the service factor rating of the pump. The "UST-" stands for an uprated motor and "ST-" means it is a full rated. The last four digits show its HP: "-1102" = 1 HP, "-1152" = 1.5 HP, "-1202" = 2 HP and so on. Type complete number (ex. UST1102) into INYO's product search at the upper right-hand portion of our site to find pool pump motor match

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Step 6

The second format of pump model numbers contains a prefix that is most commonly "C48", "C56", "K48" or "K56". This prefix is followed by four to nine letters and numbers which identify the specific motor. Type this entire number into INYO's product search to find the correct pump motor match. An example of this pump model number format: C48L2N134C1

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Step 7

If the Motor's model number is unavailable then we will have to use a combination of the pump label information and other available info on the motor label. The information needed off the motor label is the Horsepower (HP), Service Factor (SF) and Frame (FR).

Step 8

In most cases the Pump's manufacture label is located near the outlet port, location may vary depending upon the maker.

Step 9

On the pool pump label there should be two numbers listed, the serial and model. The pump model number can be entered into our product search engine; the result should provide the make, model and horsepower. Copy down this information and enter our pump motors section by selecting it in our “Shop by Category” sidebar.

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Step 10

In the Pump Motors section you will be asked for the manufacturer then the model. Your specific model may have two categories that list by your pump motor's service factor (SF). The motor's SF is listed on the label, this number will be in the range of 1.00 - 1.95. A SF of 1.00 to 1.27 is listed as an Up rated, anything over is Full rated. Please be sure you match the Service Factor of your pump as failure to do so will cause incompatibility between your current pump and new replacement motor.

Step 11

After checking all the previous information and have found a possible correct replacement, your last piece of info to check will be the Frame (FR). Most motors have a frame of "48Y", "56Y", "48J" or "56J". If your prospective replacement matches HP, SF, and FR then you have successfully found your motor replacement.

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(121 to 160 of 258)

 Posted: 5/18/2019 

Great! Do I need anything else when replacing it like a wear seal and what's the replacement numbers for the new gasket and ceramic?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/20/2019 

We'd recommend replacing the seals when you replace the motor. The seal kit is part number GOKIT20.

 Posted: 12/7/2018 

My 20A double pole circuit breaker trips if I try to turn on the pump. My motor is probably 12 years old and had the bearings replaced 2 years ago. The plate reads: A.O. Smith Serial BX9-30 Part: 7-177450-03 Type CX FR Y56Y RPM 3450 Volts 208-230/115 AMPS 7.8-7.4/14.8 TIME: CONT ENCL: DP From: KJM Code:J 1081 Pool pump Duty Mount Horiz with vent holes down 71314 Pump plate says WhisperFlo Model NO. WFE-4, Service Factor 1.65 Serial No. 1-27-102 How do I troubleshoot it? If it's the motor, which model should it be replaced with?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 12/10/2018 

Hello Malcolm - as we show in the article, there are a few things you list in your question that will find the correct replacement motor in our site's search; for example 7-177450-03, or the combination of HP, Service Factor, and Frame to narrow the candidates.  The correct motor replacement is the B2841 1-HP EE motor.We also have a few guides that can help with your pool pump motor tripping a breaker issue.

 Posted: 10/8/2018 

My A.O. Smith B128 attached to my spx 2607x10 bit the dust the other day. In looking for a replacement motor, it seemed that the A.O. smith UST 1102 was actually the better option. It looks like the B128 has a service factor of 1.4 and UST has a service factor of 1.1. I have 1.5 inch lines running into the spx 2607X10 so I am limited to 60 GPM anyways. So I guess my question is, will there be a measurable flow difference from the 0.3 HP difference in motors?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 10/10/2018 

Hello Adam - thanks for the question. There will be no difference because the water flow is limited by the impeller. If you paired a 3 horsepower motor with a 1 HP impeller, the pump would only be able to draw and push 1 HP worth of water.The only advantage to the B128 is that it is slightly more energy efficient. Comparing the tags, the B128 uses 14.4 amps on 115 voltage, to the UST1102's 15 amps.

 Posted: 8/3/2018 

Hello Sung - the correct motor is the B2843. The correct part number is the 7-177452-03 The seals and the hardware pieces of the pump are matched to a pump housing instead of the motor. What is the model number of the pump housing this motor is bolting to?

 Posted: 8/3/2018 

The correct part number begins with a 0 and not the letter O. If you use the 0, it should cross-reference the B854 1.5 HP Uprated

 Posted: 8/2/2018 

I have an AO Smith Century Centurion Part O-193993-05 1.5 HP y56y That I am trying to replace and cannot find the correct part. Could you please help me?

 Posted: 7/31/2018 

My old motor has the following inf. Cat. BZ01-05 Part 7-177452=03 Fr Y56Y Hp 2 HP and White All units are corroded, so I need a motor, steel plate , sealers and others.

 Posted: 4/16/2018 

Hello Robert - If the plastic components of the pump look good, I would suggest replacing the motor and seals. The replacement motor would be part number STS1102. The seal kit is GOKIT3. We carry the complete pump as well, model SP2607X102S.

 Posted: 4/14/2018 

I have a hot tub pump that was originally installed in 1983. This past summer the pump was making a considerable amount of noise (bearings?). Before starting the hot tub this spring, I believe I need to replace the pump given its age and potential chance of failure this summer. I have read the hoe to instructions included with this web site and I have found the following descriptions in the absence of a model number. The A.O. Smith motor has a SF=1.00, a FR=X56J, and Hp=1.5-0.25. The pump itself, which is a Hayward has an HD = SP2607X102S and an ID= 21120610004296017. I would appreciate information on a replacement pump as well as the cost. Finally, is it likely the motor that needs replacing. or the whole assembly (Smith plus Hayward)? Thank you.

 Posted: 2/25/2018 

David - Your housing can use several different manufactured motors, so knowing the motor model will not identify the pump housing. Try finding the part number of the strainer cover, usually stamped on the underside of the cover. Enter that number into our search field and that should link you to a parts list for your pump.

 Posted: 2/21/2018 

Need to replace a pump housing and seal kit. Do not have info on pump housing. Will info from motor be of any help to see what pump housing it is?

 Posted: 2/20/2018 

Martin Mayes - Unfortunately, we cannot identify a motor by its serial number. You would have to go to the manufacture for that. We would need the motor's model number(s). See Step #4 of this guide. If you have that number, try entering it into our search field.

 Posted: 2/17/2018 

i am trying to replace my spa pump. serial BZ03-10; PH 1; HZ 60 Volts 230; AMB 40 C; Code A; FR Y48Y; AMP 11.0/3.3

 Posted: 1/29/2018 

SCP - When replacing a motor, you want to look at the motor's Total HP which is the product of HP and Service Factor (SP)- stated on the label. Your current 2 speed has an upper HP of 2 and a SF of 1.35 which is a THP of 2.7. The direct replacement for your Tristar 2 speed is Motor, 2hp Full 2-speed Tristar 208/230v (spx3220z2ber). If you want to go to a single speed, the closest equivalent motor is A.O. Smith 2 H.P Square Flange Full Rate Motor - SQ1202. It's THP is 2HP x 1.3 SF or 2.6 THP.

 Posted: 1/25/2018 

I have a 2 speed Tristar SP3220Z2BE motor part# 7-K56AA15A04-05. it is a 2 speed motor 2hp/0.25. I have 2 questions. What is the correct replacement motor for that pump? Can I go with simply a 2hp replacement motor? If so what is that motor number?

 Posted: 1/25/2018 

Dan - Sorry, there are several .75 HP AO Smith motors that almost meet your specs. To make sure I select the right replacement motor, can you send me the mod numbers as described in step 3 above - like UST 1152 and C48L2N134C1?

 Posted: 1/23/2018 

Angela - Sorry, I cannot determine the make of your motor on serial number. And I did not get your picture attachment. Can you send me the mod numbers as described above - like UST 1152 and C48L2N134C1?

 Posted: 1/23/2018 

Anonymous (replacement motor) - The replacement motor for your current B853 motor is A.O. Smith 1 HP, 56Y Frame, Up-Rate Motor (B2853). Be sure to buy a GOKIT with it.

 Posted: 1/20/2018 

I need a replacement motor for: RPM: 3450, V 115, A 5.6, HZ 60, FR 48, Time Cont, Code C INS B, HSG O.D.P., Type F, PH 1, SFA, AMB 40 C, HP .75 SPD

 Posted: 1/16/2018 

Hi, Looking for a replacement pool pump motor and propeller for my Jacuzzi pool pump. Motor is an A.O. Smith 1.5 hp, Serial # BX7-22, FR P56J, Type CX. Picture of label is attached. Can you let me know of you have replacement motor and propeller?

Anonymous  Posted: 1/15/2018 

need a replacement pool motor for AO Smith. Cat B853, Serial BW10-17, Part (from label) 7-177215-04. Any ideas?

 Posted: 12/11/2017 

richard brown - Unfortunately, we do not have a match for your motor based on the data supplied. It may be because this is an air compressor motor. Our data is related to pool motors.

 Posted: 12/5/2017 


 Posted: 11/22/2017 

Jay - I'm not sure what your question is, but if you are asking for the link to a replacement motor, here is the link for an  A.O. Smith 1.5 HP, 56Y Frame, Up-Rate Motor (b2854),

 Posted: 11/18/2017 

I have to replace a A.O. Smith motor...CAT B2854 Ser 27013CH, Part 0-F56AA40A01-24, Type CX Frame Y56Y, HP 1.5 SF 1.10 PH 1, Hz 60 RPM 3450 Volts 230/115 Amps SF 8.0/16.0 Code J, 1081 Pool Pump , Duty Mount Horizontal with vent holes down

 Posted: 11/12/2017 

Frederick - We would have to have more information on the motor to be sure of its replacement. Can you provide the old motor's Model number, HP, SF, amps as they appear on the motor label.

 Posted: 10/31/2017 

I have a burned out Emerson #1081 3/4 HP, is their a replacement for with tha-e same design.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/3/2017 

Joe - See the response for "Anonymous" below. I assume you are the same person.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/3/2017 

Anonymous (replacement motor) - The replacement for you 7-193992-06 motor is 3/4 HP Motor EE - Full Rate (B661, B2661).

 Posted: 8/29/2017 

I have a pump motor to replace, A.O.Smith 7-193992-06 FR=R56Y, what is the correct cross referenced pump motor.

Anonymous  Posted: 8/29/2017 

I need to replace my pump motor..
A.O. Smith part 7-193992-06 FR R56Y Type CX Hz=60 RPM=3450 Volt= 208-230/115 Amp= SF 6.0-5.6/11.2 Time = CONT ENCL=DP
Any help would be appreciated, as this is the only info I can provide on the pump that shorted with white smoke coming out of it during the Harvey Hurricane. Thanks


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/21/2017 

Mark - Your replacement motor is a Century (A.O.Smith) 1.5 HP Motor EE Full Rate (B284). You should also replace the pump gaskets and shaft seal which is linked to your pump model. If your pump is a Pentair Whisperflo, you will need a GOKIT32 or GOKIT32Salt for salt water pools.

 Posted: 8/19/2017 

I need to replace my motor. A.o. Smith century centurion. 07-193994-06. Type CX. FR: Y56Y hz 60 volts 208-230. Amps Sf 9.6-8.8 1081 pool pump duty mount. The energy saving motor. Thank you

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/7/2017 

Harry - The replacement motor for your 7-193390-20 motor is 1 HP Single Speed Motor -BN25V1. Be sure to buy the gasket and seal kit. We would need to know the pump manf and model to specify this kit.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/7/2017 

Ryan - If you can read the serial number on the motor or the pump, give Pentair a call at 800-831-7133. They may be able to identify the motor for you. Otherwise, give us a call at 407-834-2200 and speak to one of our service reps. We may be able to identify your motor with pictures or other available data.

 Posted: 8/5/2017 

I have an A.O. smith motor SP1510-z-1-xes. Its part# 7-193390-20. Serial BY04-21. Frame W48Y. Type SP. 115 volts. Code H. RPM 3450.
1HP. What motor do I need to replace it, and what is the cost.
Thanks for your time.


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/5/2017 

Joed - Did you mean Jandy instead of Mandy? And do you want to replace your pump or just the pump's motor? The specs you provided are for the motor. I would tentatively say your current motor is a 1.5 HP Motor EE Full Rate (B2842), but I would have to have more data on your motor to be sure. Is your motor an EE (Energy Efficient) motor with an HP of 1.5, an SF (Surface Factor) of 1.47 and amps of 9.6 - 8.8?