How to Read an AO Smith Pool Motor Label


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When the time comes to replace your pool pump motor the jumble of numbers and ratings on a motor can be overwhelming. This "How to" will guide you through which information is useful in your replacement pump motor search. We also provide tips on essential parts that should be replaced when installing a new pump motor.

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Step by Step


Step 1

Tools you may need: 1. A cloth and cleaning solution, this is needed to remove any dirt or grime causing your pump motor label to be unreadable 2. A Shaft Seal or GOKIT when replacing your motor. Working seals and gaskets are vital to the health of your pool pump. A malfunctioning shaft seal will cause water from the pump to leak into your electrical motor causing it to fail prematurely. A GOKIT includes the complete set of your pumps gasket's and O-rings, including the shaft seal.

Step 2

In general there are two main labels on a pool pump; the pump label and pump motor label. Both can be used to determine the correct motor replacement but first we will focus on the motor label as it is the quickest and easiest to search. If your motor label is unreadable, later in the guide we will show you how to backtrack information off your pump to find the correct replacement. Quick Tip: The manufacturer of the pump motor and the pump itself are different companies even if the pump is brand new from the factory. For example, you have purchased a Hayward Super Pump, the wet end of pump where the water is housed is made by Hayward. The motor attached to that pump wet end was likely made by A.O. Smith, Century or Marathon.

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Step 3

An A.O. Smith pump motor label has a lot of different numbers and ratings that can have an appearance of alphabet soup at first glance. Let's narrow down the scope to just the information we will need to search for a new pool pump motor replacement. The list is as follows: Motor Model Number, Horsepower (HP), Service Factor (SF) and Frame (FR)

Step 4

When reading an A.O. Smith pump motor label the most pertinent information to aid you in finding a replacement is the "Motor Model Number." With this information alone you could find the exact match. As shown in the picture, an A.O. Smith motor may have two model number formats listed, either one can be used in INYO's pool pump motor search engine.

Step 5

The first format is one that follows the line of "UST1102", "ST1102" or "SN1102". The set of letters in the beginning denote the service factor rating of the pump. The "UST-" stands for an uprated motor and "ST-" means it is a full rated. The last four digits show its HP: "-1102" = 1 HP, "-1152" = 1.5 HP, "-1202" = 2 HP and so on. Type complete number (ex. UST1102) into INYO's product search at the upper right-hand portion of our site to find pool pump motor match

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Step 6

The second format of pump model numbers contains a prefix that is most commonly "C48", "C56", "K48" or "K56". This prefix is followed by four to nine letters and numbers which identify the specific motor. Type this entire number into INYO's product search to find the correct pump motor match. An example of this pump model number format: C48L2N134C1

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Step 7

If the Motor's model number is unavailable then we will have to use a combination of the pump label information and other available info on the motor label. The information needed off the motor label is the Horsepower (HP), Service Factor (SF) and Frame (FR).

Step 8

In most cases the Pump's manufacture label is located near the outlet port, location may vary depending upon the maker.

Step 9

On the pool pump label there should be two numbers listed, the serial and model. The pump model number can be entered into our product search engine; the result should provide the make, model and horsepower. Copy down this information and enter our pump motors section by selecting it in our “Shop by Category” sidebar.

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Step 10

In the Pump Motors section you will be asked for the manufacturer then the model. Your specific model may have two categories that list by your pump motor's service factor (SF). The motor's SF is listed on the label, this number will be in the range of 1.00 - 1.95. A SF of 1.00 to 1.27 is listed as an Up rated, anything over is Full rated. Please be sure you match the Service Factor of your pump as failure to do so will cause incompatibility between your current pump and new replacement motor.

Step 11

After checking all the previous information and have found a possible correct replacement, your last piece of info to check will be the Frame (FR). Most motors have a frame of "48Y", "56Y", "48J" or "56J". If your prospective replacement matches HP, SF, and FR then you have successfully found your motor replacement.

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(161 to 200 of 258)

 Posted: 8/5/2017 

My pump is a sta rite but the model number and code number are completely faded away. The model number has P2R printed on it but then nothing else is visible after that. I am trying to replace the motor, which I have found no problem, but i dont know if my pump is pre or post 1998 to buy the correct seal kit. What should i do?

 Posted: 8/1/2017 

Would you guys carry this type of pump and at what cost to me

I've a Mandy serial CB06-14
Part # 7-193994-06
Type CX. FR Y56Y. PH 1
60 hz. Rpm 3450 volts 208-230
1081 pool pump duty mount with vent holes down


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/27/2017 

mat- The duplicate replacement motor for your current s48c51z01 is a 1 HP Single Speed Motor - BN25V1.

 Posted: 7/25/2017 

a.o.smith s48c51z01, that's the model which needs to this model still available for replacement or do I need to look for substitute replacement, which model would that be? Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/24/2017 

syed - The B654 would be the standard energy efficient replacement for the B128 motor. UCT1152 might also work but I'd like to know more about the pump model it is going into. I would recommend an EE motor for Dallas. And we do not get involved with installations so have no data on that process.

 Posted: 7/24/2017 

My current motor specs are: Century Centurion AO Smith; CAT B128; SERIAL 13711CH; PART O-164303-23; TYPE CX; FRAME M56J; HP 1.0; SF 1.40; PH 1; HZ 60; RPM 3450; VOLTS 230/115; AMPS SF7.2/14.4; TIME CONT; ENCL DP; FORM KJM; CODE J; INSUL CLASS B; AMB 50 DEG C; 1081 POOL PUMP DUTY MOUNT HORIZ WITH VENT HOLES DOWN
The motor is making loud noise so I think it needs to be replaced immediately. I have found the 1 HP B128 Replacement Pool Motor on your website as the exact match and I understand I need to also get tune up kit GOKIT77 to do the job correctly. Before I order, I would like to confirm that this is the right replacement motor and tool kit. Also if I want to replace the motor with a different “energy Efficient” model then I have found that UCT1152 is the exact match for my current motor replacement…. So my question is first that if this is correct replacement and if so, would you recommend this change to energy efficient model for Dallas, TX area pool?
Also one last question… if I don’t want to do the replacement myself and after getting the motor have it locally installed…. What would be the reasonable estimated cost for such installation?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/18/2017 

karen - You have two options for a replacement motor for your sp2607x10: a Hayward Super Pump 1 HP Single Speed or new on the market a PureLine Prime Pool Pump 1 HP. In either case, you should also get the GOKIT3 for the gaskets and shaft seal replacements.

 Posted: 7/16/2017 

I need to replace our pump motor label is hard to read from years in weather says md sp2607x10 do you carry this motor or a replacement for it. Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/26/2017 

miguele3 - I found a date code explanation in this link to a warranty description for A.O. Smith motors. So, if your motor's serial code is 285103M, the motor was manufactured on day 285 of the year 2010 in plant 3M.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/24/2017 

Pecata - It looks like your replacement motor is a 3/4 HP Dual Spd. Motor - Full Rate (B2981, B981). Check the motor specifications on the label of your motor to the specifications listed on this product page to verify it is the same motor.

 Posted: 6/23/2017 

I'm writing a report and the pool pump is an A.O. Smith B2847 with a serial number of 285103M. I can't figure out the age based on the serial number. Can anyone figure it out?

 Posted: 6/22/2017 

I have a A.O. Smith motor that is not working. It doesn't have a model number, but it has Serial: BZ05-19 and Part: 7-177143-03. Can you tell me what is the replacement for it?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/1/2017 

Carry - I received a response from our motor rep. He said that this motor "had the same winding as the BV35 which went thru a few changes and then was obsoleted due to very low volume". BV35 has similar specs but I could not find it in a 2HP equivalent. I'd recommend asking the pump manufacturer what they replaced it with.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/31/2017 

Jesse - Yes, B2859 or B859 - is the right replacement motor for your Zodiac pump. The difference in SF is negligible - probably a round-off error. And you are going to need to order a Zodiac (now Jandy) shaft seal - Shaft Seal OEM (R0479400).

 Posted: 5/31/2017 

Thank you so much for making this information so easily accessible. I think this is going to be my replacement motor: I currently have an AO Smith Century Centurion pump, serial #19512CH, part #0-193987-24, type CX, Frame Y56Y, HP 2.00, SF 1.13, PH 1, HZ 60, RPM 3450, Volts 230/115, Amps SF 11.2/22.4, Time CONT, Encl DP, Form KJM, Code K, Insul Class B, Amb 50C
My pump is a Zodiac FloPro Model #FHPM2.0, Serial #C12JH0993
My concern is the Service Factor listed on the replacement motor is 1.1 and the Service Factor listed on my current motor is 1.13. Everywhere I've read says you can go higher on the SF, but not lower. I realize it's a difference of only 0.06 HP, but I certainly don't want to be doing this again in 3 months. Can I use the replacement motor listed above or do I need another one?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/30/2017 

Carry - I can't find this motor anywhere. I've emailed our motor rep to see if he can identify it.

 Posted: 5/29/2017 

Hello, can you please help me to replace my old pool pump:
part: 7-193554 01; serial: 155073M; FR; R48Y; type SP;
HP2; SF SPL, code H, RPM 3450; volts 115; AMPS 15.

Please tell me what i need to replace it with??? Thank you for your help


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/17/2017 

Ken - The 1UMF-S is a 1 HP Jacuzzi Magnum Force Pump. The replacement motor for this pump is a 1 H.P Pool Motor Round Flange 56J. The GOKIT for this pump is Tune Up Kit Jacuzzi Magnum - GOKIT14. It contains all the gaskets and seals required to replace a motor.

 Posted: 5/16/2017 

Hi. I have a Jacuzzi pump, model#1UMF-S, serial# MF-0000282, HP 1.0, SF 1.25, FR X56J. Which motor would I need please? Also is there a 2 speed motor I can use?

 Posted: 5/16/2017 

Model 1UMF-S Pool Pump Ser MF 0000282
A.O Smith 1.0 Hp Volt 230/115 Amp 7.0 Rpm 3450 60 hz
This is my existed pool pump motor that is not functioning anymore. What can i replace it with?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/10/2017 

MacC - According to our database, the replacement motor for your B230se motor is A.O. Smith 2 H.P Pool Motor Energy Efficient Round Flange (B230SE) - 5213X. Check the specs for this motor against the label on your motor to verify the match.

 Posted: 5/10/2017 

Hi, I have the B230se motor that just failed. I was told it is an old motor and that I should look for the newer model.

Do you know what is the replacement model?

Thank you


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/10/2017 

coopster2u - When you drop your motor speed from full to half, you cut your energy cost to a third. Typically, you would run your motor most of the time at half speed for filtration and at full speed for a short time for cleaning and water features. This A.O. Smith 1 H.P Round Flange Dual Speed Full Rate Motor W/Out Switch (STS1102, STS1102RV1) is a close match to your single speed motor. I assume you have an in-ground pool.. With an SF of 1.5, it has a total HP rating of 1.5 versus a 1.65 THP for your current motor. You will need to buy a dual switch and a shaft seal or GOKIT for this motor.

 Posted: 5/8/2017 

I have a 1.5 HP FR - P56J & SF 1.10 motor that is starting to make a loud noise and I need to replace it and was wondering what is the advantages of having a 2 speed motor vs a single speed? Can I get a 2 speed in this motor? If so which motor would it be? Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/8/2017 

gcoletti - The replacement motor for your 7-193986-24 motor is an A.O. Smith 1.5 HP, 56Y Frame, Up-Rate Motor (b2854). You will also need to replace the motor shaft seal, but we would have to know your pump model to tell you which one to buy.

 Posted: 5/7/2017 

I have an A.O. Smith motor on a pump for an in-ground salt water pool. It is making a lot of noise and leaking water. It doesn't have a model number but has a serial number-141073M and a Part number-7-193986-24. Can you tell me the replacement motor and what else I would need to replace the motor?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/2/2017 

LAA_GUITAR - The replacement motor for your current 2 speed BN37 is 1 HP 2 Speed 115V Thru-Bolt Motor. A comparable single speed motor is 1 H.P 115V Thru Bolt Motor - BN25.

 Posted: 5/1/2017 

I need a replacement motor for an AO Smith Cat BN37, PN 7-177782-03, Type CSM, FR R48Y, 60 Hz, RPM 3450/1725, Volts 115, Amps 11.0/2.9 HP SF1
It's a two speed but I don't need the low speed.
Do you have a motor to replace this?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/1/2017 

Langdon - Here is the link to your replacement motor, A.O. Smith 1 HP, 56Y Frame, Up-Rate Motor (B2853). I would have to know what the pump model is to specify your shaft seal. Look at the bottom of the motor product page for possible candidates.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/1/2017 

chris - Here is a link to an energy efficient replacement motor for you current B982, A.O. Smith 1 HP Energy Efficient Dual Spd. Motor - Full Rate (B982, B2982). NOTE THIS MOTOR IS SHIPPED LESS HI-LO SWITCH. YOU MAY PURCHASE THE HI-LO SWITCH SEPARATELY BY ORDERING PART # 2512558-001.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/1/2017 

Anonymous (motor) - 0-193994-06 doesn't show in our system. On the motor label, can you give me HP, SF, FR and Amps.

 Posted: 4/29/2017 

I am looking for a replacement motor and seal. Looking at my label it says A. O. Smith, Century Centurion, Cat B853, Serial CA06-23, Part # 7-177215-04, Type CX, FR P56Y, HP 1.0, SF 1.25, HZ 30, RPM 3450, volts 230/115, 1081 pool pump duty mount horiz with vent holes down. Can you tell the model # to purchase a new pump. Thanks.

 Posted: 4/28/2017 

I have an AO serial number 035083M, Cat B982, Part 7 177067 04, Type CXPM FR Y56Y, HP 1.0-16, SF 1.65. Need replacement or better.


Anonymous  Posted: 4/27/2017 

I have an AO Smith part # 0-193994-06 208-230

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/24/2017 

Paul - It looks like your replacement motor is a 1 H.P 115V Thru Bolt Motor - BN25. Check the motor specification and size against your motor label to verify a match.

 Posted: 4/23/2017 

Looking for a replacement for motor # 7-177961-RJ

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/21/2017 

Joe - The replacement motor for 7-177760-23 is 1 H.P 115V Thru-Bolt Motor - BN25.

 Posted: 4/20/2017 

Mine must be older.. for SF it has "----" after it; PH it has "1". It has the code FR R48Y above that. Some other markings on it are:
7-177760-23, I can't read many of them. It also appears to be a 115 volt, 3450 RPM motor. Which replacement do i need to order? Thank you!


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/14/2017 

JG - Your replacement motor for Part # 7-164362-22 is Motor 56j Thrd Full 1.5 Hp (b129). The "N" prefix on your frame type is non-standard but has to do with motor length. Check the motor length, shown in one of the motor views, against your current motor to make sure it will fit in your cooler space.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/12/2017 

Tom - Your motor labeled 7-164304-24 is a Motor 56j Thrd Full 1.5 Hp (b129).