

By Pentair Pool Products



Model # EC-160355

Warranty Ecommerce (EC) products: Products purchased from an Authorized Pentair Online Reseller (products beginning with EC-) receive a one (1) year (parts only) warranty from the date of purchase. The exceptions are: IntelliChlor cells and IntelliFlo SVRS pumps which receive a two (2) year warranty. EC products are not eligible for the bundled three (3) year extended warranty.

Alternate Part #'s 160355, CCRP 150, CCRP150, EC-160355, EC160355, EC160355Z, PENEC160355

Product Description

Inyo Recommended Filters

The Clean & Clear® RP Cartridge Filter has a side entry port, which provides nearly 50% more efficiency than any other single cartridge filter available. Inside, the Clear & Clear RP has increased cartridge surface consistency to block and trap particles as small as 20 microns.


  • Nearly 50% more efficient than other single cartridge filters
  • Cartridge is easy to remove and rinse
  • Low-force, quick-connect diamon-seal fastens easily with no tools required
  • Chemical resistant tank body
  • High Flow Manual Air Relief valve and continuous internal air relief
  • 1-1/2 in drain and wash outashourt for quick and convenient maintenance and winterization
  • Easy turn Lock-ring

NOTE: Actual system flow will depend of plumbing size and other system components.

Pentair Pool Products does not recommend flow rates above 150 GPM

Product Specifications

Filtration Area:
150 sq. ft.
Flow Rating:
150 GPM
Port Size:
2 in.
40-1/2 in.
Pool Type:
In Ground
Filter Type:

?     Asked on 1/5/2017by clifford Uhl

what is the deferents in the pentair CCRP 150 - 150SF-160355 and the Pentair Clean & Clear 150 Pac Fab CC150 Pool Cartridge Filter (160317) ad which one would be better for 24' x 54" round above ground pool with pentair vs 1 1/2 hp pump

A  Answered on 1/6/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Clifford. The CCRP-150 - 160355 filter discharge is raised from the inlet versus the CC150 - 160317 discharge is linear to the inlet. I would recommend the CCRP- 150 filter because the design maximizes filtration and water flow.

?     Asked on 1/16/2017by Inyo Visitor

We are having a pool installed. Will model # 160355 be big enough for a 16 x 36 in ground pool? It seems small and the chart shows it is for 150sq ft.

A  Answered on 1/17/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Adam Y.

Good morning Mike, I would at least go with the 200. You can also save a lot of time and sweat if you went with a D.E filter or a Sand filter. You would get more time out of it. Plus you go from cleaning to simply Back washing.

?     Asked on 4/11/2017by juan

how to clean the cartridge

A  Answered on 4/11/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Juan. You can follow steps in our How To Clean a Pool Cartridge Filter guide for cleaning info.

?     Asked on 6/14/2017by Inyo Visitor

What is the difference between the Pentair 160355 RP and the Pentair 160317? I have a 15000 gal. in-ground pool with a 1.5hp variable speed pump; 1.5" pvc plumbing, with two inlets (skimmer and cleaner).Will one filter system work better than the other?

A  Answered on 6/15/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The location of the side port on the Clean & Clear RP makes the pump operate much more efficiently. I would suggest the RP as the filter is much more efficient.

?     Asked on 7/8/2018by Buddy

I have a 30’ above ground. Came with a Sand filter which has made cleaning a pain due to water waste having to vacuum to waste. Which would be the best Cartridge Filter for the 30’ round pool?

A  Answered on 7/8/2018 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Buddy. Filter's are sized based on the pump's performance or flow rate. This 150 Sq.ft. Cartridge filter will be sufficient is your pump does not exceed a flow rate 150 GPM. 


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