



Part # 5110-11

Manufacturer Code PS-201

Dimensions 0.85" X 1.4"

Alternate Part #'s 01512-30, 0151230, 071728, 10-0477-00-R, 10-0486-00-R, 10-0487-00-R, 10-1390-04-R, 10-1502-09-R, 10139004, 15693, 17351-0101, 31-812, 31812, 320-119, 320119, 344001, 354001, 354231021, 354894, 35B1109, 37400-0026S, 37400-0027S, 37407-0009, 37407-0019, 374070009, 374070019, 3740719, 38592-0, 38592-00, 3859200, 395005, 39500500, 6C-201, 71728, AS-201, AS-851, AS201, P28300, PG-201, PG201, PS201, PSR-972, PUR1013430, SPX1600Z2, SS-1600-Z-2, U109-358, U109-372SS, U9-358, VG-201, VG201, 35-426-1021US, AEQPSR201, APCAS201, USSPS201

Product Description

This is a replacement pump motor shaft seal that is used on a number of different spa and pool pumps.  Some brands and models include the American Products Americana, Sta-Rite Dura-Glas II and Max-E-Glas II, Jacuzzi Magnum, Pentair / Pac fab Hydropump, and Astral 2000 as well as many others.  A complete list of pumps that use the PS201 seal can be found under the "Parts" tab above.

Frequently Bought with this Shaft Seal

Shaft Seal Lubricant LUBE-PP

Click Here if you would like to purchase the heavy-duty shaft seal. The heavy-duty shaft seal is recommended for saltwater pools but can be used in any application.

  • 3/4" ID
  • 5/16" THICK
  • RUBBER BOOT 1 3/8" OD 5/16" THICK
  • SPRING PIECE 1 3/8" OD

?     Asked on 1/25/2012by Guest

How do I change the shaft seal on my pool pump?

A  Answered on 1/25/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Changing the shaft seal is quite simple. Here's How To Replace a Pool Motor Shaft Seal.

?     Asked on 6/6/2016by Shelby

Do the same shaft seals fit all Hayward pumps? Mine is a Hayward 1 hp pump. thanks shelby

A  Answered on 6/7/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Brian M.

Hello. The shaft seal PS-201 does not fit all Hayward Pumps. It is specific for the Max-Flo, the Super Pump and the Super 2 , of the Hayward line. The shaft seal is determined by the specific pump housing it is going into. Please check this CHART to see which seal goes with the Hayward Pump Model you have.

?     Asked on 6/21/2017by Ray Hoerig

I have the RS1000 will this fit

A  Answered on 6/21/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Hector F.

Yes, this seal will work for your model pump.

?     Asked on 8/15/2017by Tom Savino

What direction do you place the spring seal on the impeller

A  Answered on 8/15/2017 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Tom. The pump is to be installed with the ceramic side touching each other as shown in our How To Replace a Pool Motor Shaft Seal guide. 

?     Asked on 8/24/2018by Inyo Visitor

Can you please confirm if this will fit on a RS1500?

A  Answered on 8/24/2018 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi. Yes, this Shaft Seal 201 will fit the RS1500 model pump.


Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers, Socket Set

4     0


Written on 3/22/2020 by Guest

Broke the original seal, (did not read directions, imagine that???). Pulled up your video, then it became exceptionally easy to replace.

Were these instructions helpful? 


Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed


4     1

Replacing motor

Written on 3/22/2020 by Guest

This is a must for installing a new motor. Make sure to handle it will care. Don't touch the ceramic with your dirty fingers. I use the paper that comes in the box to handle and press it into the motor cover.
Keep it clean!

Were these instructions helpful? 


Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Socket Set

4     0

Regular Maintenance

Written on 4/1/2019 by Greg L.

I like to change my seal about every other year just so it won't go out on me unexpectedly.

The procedure is quite simple, just remember which way it all came off and follow instructions.

I also like to keep a spare in case something does happen (will save losing the pool).

Were these instructions helpful? 


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