Model # PL2515
Warranty 1-Year
Maximize your savings with the new PureLine Rapids Variable Speed Pump.
The PureLine Rapids Variable Speed Pump now offers fully variable speed pump at an affordable price. The Rapids motor delivers premium energy efficiency and program flexibility with a digital controller mounted directly onto the pump. The Rapids Variable Speed Pump can save you up to 80% in energy costs over single-speed pumps. It also has faster payback than the more expensive variable speed pumps because it is sized to match the performance of the most common medium head pumps.
Click here for 1.5" Quick Disconnect Unions for the Rapids Pump
Pump Features
Controller Features
Pump Performance Curve
Pump Dimensions
All manufacturers’ names, brand names, trademarks, images, symbols, descriptions, and part numbers are used herein for reference purposes only.
How many hours per day should I run my pump?
There are many factors to consider; bather load, gallons of water, pump horsepower, type and size of filter just to name a few. A good guideline is 8-10 hours a day. On the cooler days and early and late season, you can cut the run time down to 4-6 hours because there is usually less swimmers and cooler water requires less chemicals. In peak season, when it is the hottest, raising the run time to 10-12 hours per day will help to keep the pool clean and circulating during it’s time of heaviest use.
what size of return pipe to pool for this pump?
This pump does not come with unions, but the unions available for this pump are the Union 1.5" Male Threaded x 2" Slip - 21063-154-000 which is strictly for 1.5" plumbing.
what unions do i use if i need to match to 2" piping?
Hi. You can use the Union 1.5" Male Threaded x 2" Slip - 21063-154-000 which will work with your 2" pipes and connect to the 1.5" FPT port on the pump.
2 to 4 hrs
Pliers, Adjustable Wrench, PVC glue, PVC unions to connect to pump
17 0
Had a very old pump on our salt pool. Existing pump was 1 hp and has 1.5" ports and pool lines. The pool was built in 1970. We decided to try out the Pureline pumps made by Inyo mainly due to the lower price for a variable speed pump. Installation was relatively easy, just need to make sure the inlet and outlet of the new pump line up with the pool lines. If you are not familiar with working with PVC and glue you should get a plumber or pool contractor to do this relatively easy job/replacement. So far so good.